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Kristy Muir
Kristy Muir
unsw.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Conceptualizing and measuring financial resilience: A multidimensional framework
F Salignac, A Marjolin, R Reeve, K Muir
Social Indicators Research 145, 17-38, 2019
Conceptualizing financial wellbeing: An ecological life-course approach
F Salignac, M Hamilton, J Noone, A Marjolin, K Muir
Journal of Happiness Studies 21, 1581-1602, 2020
Tricyclic antidepressants and the incidence of certain cancers: a study using the GPRD
AJ Walker, T Card, TE Bates, K Muir
British journal of cancer 104 (1), 193-197, 2011
Exploring financial wellbeing in the Australian context
K Muir, MG Hamilton, J Noone, A Marjolin, F Salignac, P Saunders
Centre for Social Impact & Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, 2017
Is headspace making a difference to young people's lives?
F Hilferty, R Cassells, K Muir, I Katz
Social Policy Research Centre, 2016
Conceptualisation of social and emotional wellbeing for children and young people, and policy implications
M Hamilton, G Redmond
Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, 2010
State of Australia's Young People: A Report on the Social, Economic, Health and Family Lives of Young People.
K Muir, K Mullan, A Powell, S Flaxman, D Thompson, M Griffiths
Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace …, 2009
Young people’s education biographies: Family relationships, social capital and belonging
R Butler, K Muir
Journal of Youth Studies 20 (3), 316-331, 2017
Intellectual disability and complex intersections: Marginalisation under the National Disability Insurance Scheme
K Soldatic, G Van Toorn, L Dowse, K Muir
Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 1 (1), 6-16, 2014
The myth of a ‘fair go’: Barriers to sport and recreational participation among Indian and other ethnic minority women in Australia
P Sawrikar, K Muir
Sport Management Review 13 (4), 355-367, 2010
Participation in sport and recreation by culturally and linguistically diverse women: Stakeholder consultation report
N Cortis, P Sawrikar, K Muir
Social Policy Research Centre, 2008
The role of trusted adults in young people’s social and economic lives
A Meltzer, K Muir, L Craig
Youth & Society 50 (5), 575-592, 2018
‘They don’t treat you like a virus’: youth‐friendly lessons from the Australian National Youth Mental Health Foundation
K Muir, A Powell, S McDermott
Health & social care in the community 20 (2), 181-189, 2012
Whose responsibility? Resilience in families of children with developmental disabilities
K Muir, I Strnadová
Disability & Society 29 (6), 922-937, 2014
Are you really financially excluded if you choose not to be included? Insights from social exclusion, resilience and ecological systems
F Salignac, K Muir, J Wong
Journal of Social Policy 45 (2), 269-286, 2016
The national evaluation of the Communities for Children initiative
I Katz, B Edwards, M Gray, S Wise, A Hayes, K Muir
Family Matters, 35-42, 2010
Culturally appropriate mentoring for Horn of African young people in Australia
M Griffiths, P Sawrikar, K Muir
Youth Studies Australia 28 (2), 32-40, 2009
Independent evaluation of headspace: the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, interim evaluation report
K Muir, S McDermott, S Gendera, S Flaxman, R Patulny, T Sitek, D Abello, ...
Social Policy Research Centre, 2009
Stronger Families in Australia study: the impact of Communities for Children
B Edwards, S Wise, M Gray, I Katz, S Misson, R Patulny, K Muir
FaHCSIA Occasional Paper, 2010
The compass: Your guide to social impact measurement
K Muir, S Bennett
Sydney: The Centre for Social Impact. Retrieved September 11, 2021, 2014
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