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Pamela Lannutti
Pamela Lannutti
lasalle.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
For better or worse: Exploring the meanings of same-sex marriage within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered community
PJ Lannutti
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 22 (1), 5-18, 2005
Alcohol as social lubricant: Alcohol myopia theory, social self-esteem, and social interaction
JL Monahan, PJ Lannutti
Human Communication Research 26 (2), 175-202, 2000
Death on Facebook: Examining the roles of social media communication for the bereaved
KR Rossetto, PJ Lannutti, EC Strauman
Journal of social and personal relationships 32 (7), 974-994, 2015
Classroom communication: The influence of instructor self-disclosure on student evaluations
PJ Lannutti, EC Strauman
Communication Quarterly 54 (1), 89-99, 2006
The influence of same-sex marriage on the understanding of same-sex relationships
PJ Lannutti
Journal of homosexuality 53 (3), 135-151, 2007
Examining the content and outcomes of young adults’ satisfying and unsatisfying conversations about sex
SL Faulkner, PJ Lannutti
Qualitative Health Research 20 (3), 375-385, 2010
Same-sex marriage and privacy management: Examining couples' communication with family members
PJ Lannutti
Journal of Family Communication 13 (1), 60-75, 2013
Beyond the breakup: Heterosexual and homosexual post‐dissolutional relationships
PJ Lannutti, KA Cameron
Communication Quarterly 50 (2), 153-170, 2002
Security, recognition, and misgivings: Exploring older same-sex couples’ experiences of legally recognized same-sex marriage
PJ Lannutti
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 28 (1), 64-82, 2011
Attractions and obstacles while considering legally recognized same-sex marriage
PJ Lannutti
Journal of GLBT Family Studies 4 (2), 245-264, 2008
Assessing attitude toward same-sex marriage: Scale development and validation
PJ Lannutti, KA Lachlan
Journal of Homosexuality 53 (4), 113-133, 2007
The experience and expression of romantic jealousy in same‐sex and opposite‐sex romantic relationships
JL Bevan, PJ Lannutti
Communication research reports 19 (3), 258-268, 2002
When the frame paints the picture: Alcohol consumption, relational framing, and sexual communication
PJ Lannutti, JL Monahan
Communication Research 29 (4), 390-421, 2002
Perceived psychosocial impacts of legalized same-sex marriage: A scoping review of sexual minority adults’ experiences
LA Drabble, AR Wootton, CB Veldhuis, EDB Riggle, SS Rostosky, ...
PloS one 16 (5), e0249125, 2021
“This is not a lesbian wedding”: Examining same-sex marriage and bisexual-lesbian couples
PJ Lannutti
Journal of Bisexuality 7 (3-4), 237-260, 2008
Experiencing same-sex marriage. Individuals, couples, and social networks
PJ Lannutti
Lectures, Les livres, 2014
A kiss is just a kiss?: Comparing perceptions related to female–female and female–male kissing in a college social situation
PJ Lannutti, A Denes
Journal of bisexuality 12 (1), 49-62, 2012
A review of two decades of LGBTQ‐inclusive research in JSPR and PR
AM Pollitt, KL Blair, PJ Lannutti
Personal Relationships 30 (1), 144-173, 2023
Examining communication about marriage amendments: Same‐sex couples and their extended social networks
PJ Lannutti
Journal of Social Issues 67 (2), 264-281, 2011
Violations of expectations and social‐sexual communication in student/professor interactions
PJ Lannutti, M Laliker, JL Hale
Communication Education 50 (1), 69-82, 2001
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