Diet and the evolution of digestion and renal function in phyllostomid bats JE Schondube, LG Herrera-M, CM del Rio Zoology 104 (1), 59-73, 2001 | 178 | 2001 |
DNA methylation predicts age and provides insight into exceptional longevity of bats GS Wilkinson, DM Adams, A Haghani, AT Lu, J Zoller, CE Breeze, ... Nature communications 12 (1), 1615, 2021 | 147 | 2021 |
Resource ephemerality drives social foraging in bats K Egert-Berg, ER Hurme, S Greif, A Goldstein, L Harten, ... Current Biology 28 (22), 3667-3673. e5, 2018 | 136 | 2018 |
Intake responses in nectar feeding birds: digestive and metabolic causes, osmoregulatory consequences, and coevolutionary effects C Martínez del Rio, JE Schondube, TJ McWhorter, LG Herrera American Zoologist 41 (4), 902-915, 2001 | 136 | 2001 |
Effect of diet quality on carbon and nitrogen turnover and isotopic discrimination in blood of a New World nectarivorous bat LL Mirón M, LG Herrera M, N Ramírez P, KA Hobson Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (3), 541-548, 2006 | 107 | 2006 |
Sources of assimilated protein in five species of New World frugivorous bats GL Herrera, E Gutierrez, KA Hobson, B Altube, WG Díaz, ... Oecologia 133, 280-287, 2002 | 106 | 2002 |
The Role of Fruits and Insects in the Nutrition of Frugivorous Bats: Evaluating the Use of Stable Isotope Models1 LG Herrera M, KA Hobson, A Manzo A, D Estrada B, V Sánchez‐Cordero, ... Biotropica 33 (3), 520-528, 2001 | 106 | 2001 |
Trophic partitioning in tropical rain forest birds: insights from stable isotope analysis LG Herrera, KA Hobson, M Rodríguez, P Hernandez Oecologia 136, 439-444, 2003 | 101 | 2003 |
Relative roles of mutation and recombination in generating allelic polymorphism at an MHC class II locus in Peromyscus maniculatus AD Richman, LG Herrera, D Nash, MH Schierup Genetics Research 82 (2), 89-99, 2003 | 93 | 2003 |
Sources of protein in two species of phytophagous bats in a seasonal dry forest: evidence from stable-isotope analysis LG Herrera M, KA Hobson, MM Leticia, RÍP Nicte, MC Germán, SC VÍctor Journal of Mammalogy 82 (2), 352-361, 2001 | 92 | 2001 |
Molecular Systematics of the Fishing Bat Myotis (Pizonyx) vivesi B Stadelmann, LG Herrera, J Arroyo-Cabrales, JJ Flores-Martínez, ... Journal of Mammalogy 85 (1), 133-139, 2004 | 90 | 2004 |
A population matrix model and population viability analysis to predict the fate of endangered species in highly managed water systems L Zambrano, E Vega, LG Herrera M, E Prado, VH Reynoso Animal Conservation 10 (3), 297-303, 2007 | 87 | 2007 |
Dietary sugar as a direct fuel for flight in the nectarivorous bat Glossophaga soricina KC Welch Jr, LG Herrera M, RK Suarez Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (3), 310-316, 2008 | 85 | 2008 |
Dietary overlap and seasonality in three species of mormoopid bats from a tropical dry forest VB Salinas‐Ramos, LG Herrera Montalvo, V León‐Regagnon, ... Molecular Ecology 24 (20), 5296-5307, 2015 | 84 | 2015 |
Opportunism vs. specialization: The evolution of dispersal strategies of fleshy-fruited plants. TH Fleming, DL Venable, LG Herrera. Vegetatio 107, 107-120, 1993 | 84 | 1993 |
Pollen digestion by New World bats: The effects of processing time and feeding habits. LG Herrera, C Martínez del Rio Ecology 79, 2828-2838, 1998 | 83 | 1998 |
MHC class II beta sequence diversity in the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus): implications for models of balancing selection AD Richman, LG Herrera, D Nash Molecular Ecology 10 (12), 2765-2773, 2001 | 59 | 2001 |
Trophic relationships in a neotropical bat community: A preliminary study using carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures LG Herrera, TH Fleming, LS Sternberg. 39, 23-29, 1998 | 45 | 1998 |
Geographic variation in the carbon composition of the pallid bat, Antrozous pallidus, and its dietary implications. LG Herrera, TH Fleming, JS Findley Journal of Mammalogy 74, 601-606, 1993 | 45 | 1993 |
Metabolic Cost of the Activation of Immune Response in the Fish-Eating Myotis (Myotis vivesi): The Effects of Inflammation and the Acute Phase Response A Otalora-Ardila, LG Herrera M, JJ Flores-Martínez, KC Welch Jr PLoS One 11 (10), e0164938, 2016 | 44 | 2016 |