Kamu erişimi zorunlu olan makaleler - Pierre GehlDaha fazla bilgi edinin
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 29
FRACAS: A capacity spectrum approach for seismic fragility assessment including record-to-record variability
T Rossetto, P Gehl, S Minas, C Galasso, P Duffour, J Douglas, O Cook
Engineering Structures 125, 337-348, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Agent-based model on resilience-oriented rapid responses of road networks under seismic hazard
L Sun, D d'Ayala, R Fayjaloun, P Gehl
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 216, 108030, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Rapid earthquake response: The state-of-the art and recommendations with a focus on European systems
S Guérin-Marthe, P Gehl, C Negulescu, S Auclair, R Fayjaloun
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 52, 101958, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Stress tests for a road network using fragility functions and functional capacity loss functions
JC Lam, BT Adey, M Heitzler, J Hackl, P Gehl, N Van Erp, D d'Ayala, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 173, 78-93, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Approximate Bayesian network formulation for the rapid loss assessment of real-world infrastructure systems
P Gehl, F Cavalieri, P Franchin
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 177, 80-93, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Italy
Sensitivity of earthquake damage estimation to the input data (soil characterization maps and building exposure): case study in the Luchon Valley, France
R Fayjaloun, C Negulescu, A Roullé, S Auclair, P Gehl, M Faravelli
Geosciences 11 (6), 249, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Bayesian networks and infrastructure systems: Computational and methodological challenges
F Cavalieri, P Franchin, P Gehl, D D’Ayala
Risk and Reliability Analysis: Theory and Applications: In Honor of Prof …, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Italy
Examining the contribution of near real-time data for rapid seismic loss assessment of structures
E Tubaldi, E Ozer, J Douglas, P Gehl
Structural Health Monitoring 21 (1), 118-137, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Sensitivity analysis of Bayesian networks to parameters of the conditional probability model using a Beta regression approach
J Rohmer, P Gehl
Expert Systems with Applications 145, 113130, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Integrating strong-motion recordings and Twitter data for a rapid shakemap of macroseismic intensity
R Fayjaloun, P Gehl, S Auclair, F Boulahya, S Guérin-Marthe, A Roullé
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 52, 101927, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Robustness of a hybrid simulation-based/Bayesian approach for the risk assessment of a real-world road network
P Gehl, F Cavalieri, P Franchin, C Negulescu
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on structural safety and …, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Italy
Needs and opportunities for seismic early warning prior to aftershocks for search and rescue teams: An in-depth analysis of practitioners’ perceptions
S Auclair, P Gehl, M Delatre
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 65, 102545, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Decision support for emergency road traffic management in post-earthquake conditions
P Gehl, S Auclair, R Fayjaloun, P Meresse
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 77, 103098, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
A Bayesian network‐based probabilistic framework for updating aftershock risk of bridges
E Tubaldi, F Turchetti, E Ozer, J Fayaz, P Gehl, C Galasso
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 51 (10), 2496-2519, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Rapid earthquake loss updating of spatially distributed systems via sampling-based bayesian inference
P Gehl, R Fayjaloun, L Sun, E Tubaldi, C Negulescu, E Özer, D D’ayala
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 20 (8), 3995-4023, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Seismic fragility analysis based on vector-valued intensity measures; Theory And Application To Fuel Assembly Grids
M Pellissetti, MC Robin-Boudaoud, P Gehl
30th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE2021), 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Modelling Pan-European ground motions for seismic hazard applications
M García-Fernández, P Gehl, MJ Jiménez, D D’Ayala
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17, 2821-2840, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Non-stationary extreme value analysis applied to seismic fragility assessment for nuclear safety analysis
J Rohmer, P Gehl, M Marcilhac-Fradin, Y Guigueno, N Rahni, J Clément
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 (5), 1267-1285, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Vector intensity measures for a more accurate reliability assessment of NPP sub-systems
P Gehl, J Rohmer
TINCE 2018-Technological Innovations in Nuclear Civil Engineering, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Use of Bayesian networks as a decision support system for the rapid loss assessment of infrastructure systems
P Gehl, F Cavalieri, P Franchin, C Negulescu, KCM Fajardo, K Meza
16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering-16ECEE, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Italy
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