Temporal order judgment reveals how number magnitude affects visuospatial attention M Casarotti, M Michielin, M Zorzi, C Umiltà Cognition 102 (1), 101-117, 2007 | 201 | 2007 |
Educational interaction in distance learning: Analysis of one-way video and two-way audio system M Casarotti, L Filliponi, L Pieti, R Sartori PsychNology Journal 1 (1), 28-38, 2002 | 78 | 2002 |
Priming the mental time line. MG Di Bono, M Casarotti, K Priftis, L Gava, C Umilta, M Zorzi Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (4), 838, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
Paying attention through eye movements: a computational investigation of the premotor theory of spatial attention M Casarotti, M Lisi, C Umiltà, M Zorzi Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24 (7), 1519-1531, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Hemispheric asymmetries in the neglect syndrome: a computational study A Di Ferdinando, M CASAROTTI, G VALLAR, M ZORZI Modeling Language, Cognition And Action, 249-258, 2005 | 13 | 2005 |
A computational model of saccadic planning and spatial attention M Casarotti, M Zorzi, C Umiltà Proceedings of Eurocogsci 03, 73-77, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
A recurrent model for spatial attention M Casarotti, C Umilta, M Zorzi Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 27 (27), 2005 | 1 | 2005 |
ATTENZIONE E FUNZIONI ESECUTIVE AD ALTITUDINI ESTREME M Zorzi, M Casarotti, K Priftis, A Facoetti, F Stablum, G Travain, A Ermolao, ... | | 2003 |
Uno studio computazionale sulle trasformazioni sensorimotorie M Casarotti, M Marangon Giornale italiano di psicologia 30 (2), 425-0, 2003 | | 2003 |
THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. vol. 109 (44); p. 2959-2959. M Casarotti, M Lisi, C Umiltà, M Zorzi, PA through Eye, K Priftis, M Pitteri, ... JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 24, 1519-1531, 0 | | |
OTHER CONTENTS M Casarotti, L Filipponi, L Pieti, R Sartori, C Ruggeroni | | |
La Negligenza Spaziale Unilaterale: uno studio attraverso reti neurali artificiali Andrea Di Ferdinando12, Marco Casarotti2, Giuseppe Vallar1, Marco Zorzi2 A Di Ferdinando12, M Casarotti, G Vallar, M Zorzi | | |
Motor Planning, Spatial Remapping and Endogenous Attention in a Computational Model of Sensorimotor Transformations M Casarotti, M Zorzi, C Umiltà | | |