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Christophe Jalil Nordman
Christophe Jalil Nordman
French Institute of Research for Sustainable Development (IRD)
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Trade blocs
World Bank
World Bank, 2000
Education and earnings in urban West Africa
M Kuepie, CJ Nordman, F Roubaud
Journal of comparative economics 37 (3), 491-515, 2009
Return migration and small enterprise development in the Maghreb
F Gubert, CJ Nordman
Diaspora for development in Africa 3, 103-126, 2011
Kinship ties and entrepreneurship in Western Africa
M Grimm, F Gubert, O Koriko, J Lay, CJ Nordman
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 26 (2), 125-150, 2013
Employment vulnerability and earnings in urban West Africa
P Bocquier, CJ Nordman, A Vescovo
World development 38 (9), 1297-1314, 2010
Who suffers the penalty?: A panel data analysis of earnings gaps in Vietnam
HC Nguyen, CJ Nordman, F Roubaud
Journal of development studies 49 (12), 1694-1710, 2013
Informal versus formal: A panel data analysis of earnings gaps in Madagascar
CJ Nordman, F Rakotomanana, F Roubaud
World Development 86, 1-17, 2016
Informal sector and informal employment: Overview of data for 11 cities in 10 developing countries
J Herrera, M Kuépié, CJ Nordman, X Oudin, F Roubaud
Women in the Informal Economy Globalizing and Organizing, Cambridge …, 2012
Gender and ethnic earnings gaps in seven West African cities
CJ Nordman, AS Robilliard, F Roubaud
Labour Economics 18, S132-S145, 2011
Is there a glass ceiling in Morocco? Evidence from matched worker–firm data
CJ Nordman, FC Wolff
Journal of African Economies 18 (4), 592-633, 2009
Household entrepreneurship and social networks: Panel data evidence from Vietnam
CH Nguyen, CJ Nordman
The Journal of Development Studies 54 (4), 594-618, 2018
Evidence on the glass ceiling effect in France using matched worker-firm data
M Jellal, CJ Nordman, FC Wolff
Applied Economics 40 (24), 3233-3250, 2008
Reassessing the Gender Wage Gap in Madagascar: Does Labor Force Attachment Really Matter?
CJ Nordman, F Roubaud
Economic Development and Cultural Change 57 (4), 785-808, 2009
Inputs, gender roles or sharing norms? Assessing the gender performance gap among informal entrepreneurs in Madagascar
C Nordman, J Vaillant
Cognitive, non-cognitive skills and gender wage gaps: Evidence from linked employer-employee data in Bangladesh
CJ Nordman, L Sarr, S Sharma
IZA Discussion Papers, 2015
Transitions in a West African labour market: The role of family networks
CJ Nordman, L Pasquier-Doumer
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 54, 74-85, 2015
The gender of debt and credit: insights from rural Tamil Nadu
E Reboul, I Guérin, CJ Nordman
World Development 142, 105363, 2021
Gender disparities in the Malagasy labor market
CJ Nordman, F Rakotomanana, AS Robilliard
Gender disparities in Africa’s labor market 87, 2010
Gender differences in pay in African manufacturing firms
CJ Nordman, FC Wolff
Gender Disparities in Africa's Labor Market, 155-192, 2010
Allocation of labor in urban West Africa: Insights from the pattern of labor supply and skill premiums
R Dimova, CJ Nordman, F Roubaud
Review of Development Economics 14 (1), 74-92, 2010
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