Takip et
Masaki Oshikawa
Masaki Oshikawa
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Entanglement spectrum of a topological phase in one dimension
F Pollmann, AM Turner, E Berg, M Oshikawa
Physical review b 81 (6), 064439, 2010
Magnetization plateaus in spin chains:“Haldane gap” for half-integer spins
M Oshikawa, M Yamanaka, I Affleck
Physical review letters 78 (10), 1984, 1997
Symmetry protection of topological phases in one-dimensional quantum spin systems
F Pollmann, E Berg, AM Turner, M Oshikawa
Physical review b 85 (7), 075125, 2012
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Dilute Magnons in
T Nikuni, M Oshikawa, A Oosawa, H Tanaka
Physical review letters 84 (25), 5868, 2000
Quasiparticle statistics and braiding from ground-state entanglement
Y Zhang, T Grover, A Turner, M Oshikawa, A Vishwanath
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (23), 235151, 2012
Commensurability, excitation gap, and topology in quantum many-particle systems on a periodic lattice
M Oshikawa
Physical review letters 84 (7), 1535, 2000
Absence of quantum time crystals
H Watanabe, M Oshikawa
Physical review letters 114 (25), 251603, 2015
Field-induced gap in S= 1/2 antiferromagnetic chains
M Oshikawa, I Affleck
Physical review letters 79 (15), 2883, 1997
Topological approach to Luttinger's theorem and the Fermi surface of a Kondo lattice
M Oshikawa
Physical Review Letters 84 (15), 3370, 2000
Field-induced gap in Cu benzoate and other antiferromagnetic chains
I Affleck, M Oshikawa
Physical Review B 60 (2), 1038, 1999
Signatures of Dirac cones in a DMRG study of the kagome Heisenberg model
YC He, MP Zaletel, M Oshikawa, F Pollmann
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031020, 2017
Boundary conformal field theory approach to the critical two-dimensional Ising model with a defect line
M Oshikawa, I Affleck
Nuclear Physics B 495 (3), 533-582, 1997
Hidden Z2* Z2 symmetry in quantum spin chains with arbitrary integer spin
M Oshikawa
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 4 (36), 7469, 1992
Electron spin resonance in S=1/2 antiferromagnetic chains
M Oshikawa, I Affleck
Physical Review B 65 (13), 134410, 2002
Random matrix theory analysis of cross correlations in financial markets
A Utsugi, K Ino, M Oshikawa
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (2 …, 2004
Nonperturbative approach to Luttinger's theorem in one dimension
M Yamanaka, M Oshikawa, I Affleck
Physical review letters 79 (6), 1110, 1997
Characterization of a quasi-one-dimensional spin-1/2 magnet which is gapless and paramagnetic for and
PR Hammar, MB Stone, DH Reich, C Broholm, PJ Gibson, MM Turnbull, ...
Physical Review B 59 (2), 1008, 1999
Low-temperature electron spin resonance theory for half-integer spin antiferromagnetic chains
M Oshikawa, I Affleck
Physical Review Letters 82 (25), 5136, 1999
Junctions of three quantum wires and the dissipative Hofstadter model
C Chamon, M Oshikawa, I Affleck
Physical review letters 91 (20), 206403, 2003
Junctions of three quantum wires
M Oshikawa, C Chamon, I Affleck
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2006 (02), P02008, 2006
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