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Danielle D. van Jaarsveld
Danielle D. van Jaarsveld
sauder.ubc.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The role of job demands and emotional exhaustion in the relationship between customer and employee incivility
DD Van Jaarsveld, DD Walker, DP Skarlicki
Journal of management 36 (6), 1486-1504, 2010
Getting even for customer mistreatment: the role of moral identity in the relationship between customer interpersonal injustice and employee sabotage.
DP Skarlicki, DD van Jaarsveld, DD Walker
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (6), 1335, 2008
Exploring the effects of individual customer incivility encounters on employee incivility: The moderating roles of entity (in) civility and negative affectivity.
DD Walker, DD Van Jaarsveld, DP Skarlicki
Journal of Applied Psychology 99 (1), 151, 2014
Net Working: Work Patterns and Workforce Policies for the New Media Industry.
R Batt, S Christopherson, N Rightor, DD van Jaarsveld
CAHRS Working Paper Series, 2000
Extending the multifoci perspective: The role of supervisor justice and moral identity in the relationship between customer justice and customer-directed sabotage.
DP Skarlicki, DD van Jaarsveld, R Shao, YH Song, M Wang
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (1), 108, 2016
From employee-experienced high-involvement work system to innovation: An emergence-based human resource management framework
Y Li, M Wang, DD Van Jaarsveld, GK Lee, DG Ma
Academy of Management Journal 61 (5), 2000-2019, 2018
Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can also hurt me: The relationship between customer verbal aggression and employee incivility.
DD Walker, DD Van Jaarsveld, DP Skarlicki
Journal of applied psychology 102 (2), 163, 2017
The Influence of Capital Structure on Strategic Human Capital: Evidence From U.S. and Canadian Firms
RBACF Xiangmin Liu, Danielle D. van Jaarsveld
Journal of Management 40 (2), 422-448, 2013
Collective Representation Among High‐Tech Workers at Microsoft and Beyond: Lessons from WashTech/CWA
DD van Jaarsveld
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 43 (2), 364-385, 2004
The relationships of informal high performance work practices to job satisfaction and workplace profitability
Y Yanadori, DD Van Jaarsveld
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 53 (3), 501-534, 2014
Call Centers: Emotional Labor Over the Phone
DD van Jaarsveld
Emotional Labor in the 21st Century, 153-173, 2013
Unpacking the relationship between customer (in) justice and employee turnover outcomes: can fair supervisor treatment reduce employees’ emotional turmoil?
DD Van Jaarsveld, DD Walker, SLD Restubog, D Skarlicki, Y Chen, ...
Journal of Service Research 24 (2), 301-319, 2021
New media after the dot. com bust: the persistent influence of political institutions on work in cultural industries
S Christopherson, D Van Jaarsveld
International Journal of Cultural Policy 11 (1), 77-93, 2005
Accelerating employee-related scholarship in service management: research streams, propositions, and commentaries
M Subramony, K Ehrhart, M Groth, BC Holtom, DD van Jaarsveld, D Yagil, ...
Journal of Service Management 28 (5), 837-865, 2017
Compensation management in outsourced service organizations and its implications for quit rates, absenteeism and workforce performance: Evidence from Canadian call centres
DD Van Jaarsveld, Y Yanadori
British Journal of Industrial Relations 49, s1-s26, 2011
The effects of institutional and organizational characteristics on work force flexibility: evidence from call centers in three liberal market economies
D Van Jaarsveld, H Kwon, AC Frost
Industrial & Labor Relations Review 62 (4), 6, 2009
Misbehaving customers: understanding and managing customer injustice in service organizations.
DD Van Jaarsveld, SLD Restubog, DD Walker, RK Amarnani
Organizational Dynamics, 2015
Overcoming obstacles to worker representation: Insights from the temporary agency workforce
DD Van Jaarsveld
NYL Sch. L. Rev. 50, 355, 2005
Employment and industrial relations in the Dutch call center sector
A De Grip, I Sieben, D van Jaarsveld
Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market. Maastricht, 2005
The temporary staffing industry in protected employment economies: Germany, Japan and the Netherlands
K Shire, DD Van Jaarsveld
2008 Industry Studies Conference Paper, 2008
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