Petrogenesis of collision-related plutonics in Central Anatolia, Turkey N Ilbeyli, JA Pearce, MF Thirlwall, JG Mitchell Lithos 72 (3-4), 163-182, 2004 | 232 | 2004 |
Geochronological evidence and tectonic significance of Carboniferous magmatism in the southwest Trabzon area, eastern Pontides, Turkey A Kaygusuz, M Arslan, W Siebel, F Sipahi, N Ilbeyli International Geology Review 54 (15), 1776-1800, 2012 | 211 | 2012 |
LA-ICP MS zircon dating, whole-rock and Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotope geochemistry of the Camiboğazı pluton, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: Implications for lithospheric mantle and lower … A Kaygusuz, M Arslan, W Siebel, F Sipahi, N İlbeyli, İ Temizel Lithos 192 (3), 271-290, 2014 | 115 | 2014 |
Insight into magma genesis at convergent plate margins-a case study from the eastern Pontides (NE Turkey) A Kaygusuz, W Siebel, N Ilbeyli, M Arslan, M Satir, C Sen Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-Abhandlungen 187 (3), 265, 2010 | 94 | 2010 |
Mineralogical–geochemical constraints on intrusives in central Anatolia, Turkey: tectono-magmatic evolution and characteristics of mantle source N İLBEYLİ Geological Magazine 142 (2), 187-207, 2005 | 86 | 2005 |
Petrogenesis of the Late Cretaceous Turnagöl intrusion in the eastern Pontides: Implications for magma genesis in the arc setting A Kaygusuz, F Sipahi, N Ilbeyli, M Arslan, B Chen, E Aydınçakır Geoscience Frontiers 4 (4), 423-438, 2013 | 85 | 2013 |
Petrogenesis of the Late Cenozoic Egrigöz pluton in western Anatolia, Turkey: implications for magma genesis and crustal processes I Ozgenc, N Ilbeyli International Geology Review 50 (4), 375-391, 2008 | 55 | 2008 |
Petrogenesis of igneous enclaves in plutonic rocks of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey N Ilbeyli, JA Pearce International Geology Review 47 (10), 1011-1034, 2005 | 50 | 2005 |
Geochemical characteristics of the Sebinkarahisar granitoids in the eastern Pontides, northeast Turkey: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications N Ilbeyli International Geology Review 50 (6), 563-582, 2008 | 42 | 2008 |
Estimation of natural radionuclides’ concentration of the plutonic rocks in the Sakarya zone, Turkey using multivariate statistical methods F Yalcin, N Ilbeyli, M Demirbilek, MG Yalcin, A Gunes, A Kaygusuz, ... Symmetry 12 (6), 1048, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |
Contemporaneous Late Cretaceous calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatism in Central Anatolia, Turkey: O isotope constraints on petrogenesis N Ilbeyli, JA Pearce, IG Meighan, AE Fallick Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 18 (4), 529-547, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |
Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of beach sediments along the coast between Alanya and Silifke (southern Turkey) MG Yalcin, M Setti, F Karakaya, E Sacchi, N Ilbeyli CLAY MINERALS 50 (2), 233-248, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
Collision‐related granite magma genesis, potential sources and tectono‐magmatic evolution: comparison between central, northwestern and western Anatolia (Turkey) N Ilbeyli, Y Kibici International Geology Review 51 (3), 252-278, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Geochemical constraints on petrogenesis of Late Cretaceous alkaline magmatism in east-central Anatolia (Hasancelebi–Basören, Malatya), Turkey I Ozgenc, N Ilbeyli Mineralogy and Petrology 95, 71-85, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
Geochemical constraints on the genesis of the Günyüzü pluton, northwest Anatolia, Turkey Y Kibici, N Ilbeyli, A Yildiz, M Bagci International Geology Review 50 (10), 931-947, 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
Field, Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the Hamit alkaline intrusion in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey N İlbeyli Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 13 (3), 269-286, 2004 | 19 | 2004 |
Geochemical constraints on the genesis of the Sarıcakaya intrusive rocks, Turkey: Late Paleozoic crustal melting in the central Sakarya Zone Y Kibici, N İlbeyli, A Yıldız, M Bağcı Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry 70 (3), 243-256, 2010 | 16 | 2010 |
Petrogenesis of the collision-related central Anatolian granitoids, Turkey N Ilbeyli, JA Pearce European Union Geosciences (EUG-9), 502, 1997 | 14 | 1997 |
Arslan. M., Chen, B., ve Aydınçakır, E., 2013. Petrogenesis of the Late Cretaceous Turnagöl intrusion in the Eastern Pontides: Implications for magma genesis in the arc setting A Kaygusuz, F Sipahi, N İlbeyli Geoscience Frontiers 4, 423-438, 0 | 12 | |
Doğu Pontid Kuzey Zonu ve Kuzey-Güney Zon Geçisinde Yüzeylenen Kretase-Paleosen Yaşlı Granitoyidik Sokulumların Petrokimyası, Sr-Nd-Pb-O İzotop Jeokimyası, Jeokronolojisi ve … A Kaygusuz, M Arslan, N Ilbeyli, F Sipahi TÜBİTAK 1001 PROJESİ, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |