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Robert D. Gibbons
Robert D. Gibbons
Professor of Biostatistics and Medicine, The University of Chicago
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Alıntı yapanlar
Longitudinal data analysis
D Hedeker, RD Gibbons
John Wiley & Sons, 2006
The MTA at 8 years: prospective follow-up of children treated for combined-type ADHD in a multisite study
BSG Molina, SP Hinshaw, JM Swanson, LE Arnold, B Vitiello, PS Jensen, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 48 (5), 484-500, 2009
Pallidal versus subthalamic deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease
KA Follett, FM Weaver, M Stern, K Hur, CL Harris, P Luo, WJ Marks Jr, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 362 (22), 2077-2091, 2010
Time-related predictors of suicide in major affective disorder.
J Fawcett, WA Scheftner, L Fogg, DC Clark, MA Young, D Hedeker, ...
The American journal of psychiatry 147 (9), 1189-1194, 1990
Application of random-effects pattern-mixture models for missing data in longitudinal studies.
D Hedeker, RD Gibbons
Psychological methods 2 (1), 64, 1997
Testing standard and modular designs for psychotherapy treating depression, anxiety, and conduct problems in youth: A randomized effectiveness trial
JR Weisz, BF Chorpita, LA Palinkas, SK Schoenwald, J Miranda, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 69 (3), 274-282, 2012
Full-information item factor analysis
RD Bock, R Gibbons, E Muraki
Applied psychological measurement 12 (3), 261-280, 1988
3-year follow-up of the NIMH MTA study
PS Jensen, LE Arnold, JM Swanson, B Vitiello, HB Abikoff, LL Greenhill, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 46 (8), 989 …, 2007
Prevalence rates and correlates of psychiatric disorders among preschool children
JV Lavigne, RD Gibbons, KK Christoffel, R Arend, D Rosenbaum, H Binns, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 35 (2), 204-214, 1996
Some conceptual and statistical issues in analysis of longitudinal psychiatric data: Application to the NIMH Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program dataset
RD Gibbons, D Hedeker, I Elkin, C Waternaux, HC Kraemer, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 50 (9), 739-750, 1993
A random-effects ordinal regression model for multilevel analysis
D Hedeker, RD Gibbons
Biometrics, 933-944, 1994
Full-information item bi-factor analysis
RD Gibbons, DR Hedeker
Psychometrika 57 (3), 423-436, 1992
Early evidence on the effects of regulators’ suicidality warnings on SSRI prescriptions and suicide in children and adolescents
RD Gibbons, CH Brown, K Hur, SM Marcus, DK Bhaumik, JA Erkens, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 164 (9), 1356-1363, 2007
Preliminary studies of the reliability and validity of the children's depression rating scale
EO Poznanski, JA Grossman, Y Buchsbaum, M Banegas, L Freeman, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry 23 (2), 191-197, 1984
What is the relationship between outdoor time and physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and physical fitness in children? A systematic review
C Gray, R Gibbons, R Larouche, EBH Sandseter, A Bienenstock, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 12 (6 …, 2015
Clinical predictors of suicide in patients with major affective disorders: a controlled prospective study.
J Fawcett, W Scheftner, D Clark, D Hedeker, R Gibbons, W Coryell
The American Journal of Psychiatry 144 (1), 35-40, 1987
Children's depression rating scale--revised
EO Poznanski, JA Grossman, Y Buchsbaum, M Banegas, L Freeman, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1995
Effects of stimulant medication on growth rates across 3 years in the MTA follow-up
JM Swanson, GR Elliott, LL Greenhill, T Wigal, LE Arnold, B Vitiello, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 46 (8 …, 2007
Advances in analysis of longitudinal data
RD Gibbons, D Hedeker, S DuToit
Annual review of clinical psychology 6 (1), 79-107, 2010
MIXOR: a computer program for mixed-effects ordinal regression analysis
D Hedeker, RD Gibbons
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 49 (2), 157-176, 1996
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