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Steven J. Skinner
Steven J. Skinner
Professor of Marketing, University ofKentucky
uky.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Customer participation in service production and delivery
SW Kelley, JH Donnelly Jr, SJ Skinner
Journal of retailing 66 (3), 315, 1990
Gestión calidad y competitividad
JM Ivancevich
Biblioteca Hernán Malo González, 1995
Understanding mail survey response behavior a meta-analysis
FJ Yammarino, SJ Skinner, TL Childers
Public opinion quarterly 55 (4), 613-639, 1991
Ethical behavior and bureaucratic structure in marketing research organizations
OC Ferrell, SJ Skinner
Journal of marketing research 25 (1), 103-109, 1988
Interorganizational dependence and control as predictors of opportunism in dealer-supplier relations
KG Provan, SJ Skinner
Academy of management Journal 32 (1), 202-212, 1989
Cooperation in supplier-dealer relations
SJ Skinner, JB Gassenheimer, SW Kelley
Journal of retailing 68 (2), 174-193, 1992
Management: Quality and competitiveness
JM Ivancevich, P Lorenzi, SJ Skinner, PB Crosby
(No Title), 1994
Organizational socialization of service customers
SW Kelley, SJ Skinner, JH Donnelly Jr
Journal of Business Research 25 (3), 197-214, 1992
An exploratory investigation of organizational antecedents to new product success
D Ayers, R Dahlstrom, SJ Skinner
Journal of Marketing Research 34 (1), 107-116, 1997
Organizational values and role stress as determinants of customer-oriented selling performance
TB Flaherty, R Dahlstrom, SJ Skinner
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 19 (2), 1-18, 1999
Ethical behavior among marketing researchers: An assessment of selected demographic characteristics
SW Kelley, OC Ferrell, SJ Skinner
Journal of business Ethics 9, 681-688, 1990
Consumers’ evaluation of unethical marketing behaviors: The role of customer commitment
R Ingram, SJ Skinner, VA Taylor
Journal of Business Ethics 62, 237-252, 2005
An empirical assessment of salesperson motivation, commitment, and job outcomes
TN Ingram, KS Lee, SJ Skinner
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 9 (3), 25-33, 1989
Impact of job characteristics on retail salespeople's reactions to their jobs.
AJ Dubinsky, SJ Skinner
Journal of Retailing, 1984
Does brand social power mean market might? Exploring the influence of brand social power on brand evaluations
JL Crosno, TH Freling, SJ Skinner
Psychology & marketing 26 (2), 91-121, 2009
A model of sales supervisor leadership behavior and retail salespeople's job-related outcomes
R Hampton, AJ Dubinsky, SJ Skinner
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 14 (3), 33-43, 1986
Perceptions of channel control.
SJ Skinner, JP Guiltinan
Journal of Retailing, 1985
Customer participation in service production and delivery
SW Kelly, JH Donnelly Jr, SJ Skinner
Journal of Retailing 66 (3), 315-336, 1990
Evaluating sales personnel: An attribution theory perspective
AJ Dubinsky, SJ Skinner, TE Whittler
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 9 (1), 9-21, 1989
Going the extra mile: Antecedents of salespeople's discretionary effort
AJ Dubinsky, SJ Skinner
Industrial Marketing Management 31 (7), 589-598, 2002
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