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Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen
Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen
Professor of Information Systems Science, Aalto University School of Business
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A cross-cultural study on escalation of commitment behavior in software projects
M Keil, BCY Tan, KK Wei, T Saarinen, V Tuunainen, A Wassenaar
MIS quarterly, 299-325, 2000
The impact of use context on mobile services acceptance: The case of mobile ticketing
N Mallat, M Rossi, VK Tuunainen, A Öörni
Information & management 46 (3), 190-195, 2009
Mobile banking services
N Mallat, M Rossi, VK Tuunainen
Communications of the ACM 47 (5), 42-46, 2004
Opportunities and risks of Blockchain Technologies–a research agenda
J Lindman, VK Tuunainen, M Rossi
An empirical investigation of mobile ticketing service adoption in public transportation
N Mallat, M Rossi, VK Tuunainen, A Öörni
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12, 57-65, 2008
Four models of sharing economy platforms.
I Constantiou, A Marton, VK Tuunainen
MIS Quarterly Executive 16 (4), 2017
Mobile commerce at crossroads
SL Jarvenpaa, KR Lang, Y Takeda, VK Tuunainen
Communications of the ACM 46 (12), 41-44, 2003
Exploring merchant adoption of mobile payment systems: An empirical study
N Mallat, VK Tuunainen
E-service Journal 6 (2), 24-57, 2008
The impact of use situation and mobility on the acceptance of mobile ticketing services
N Mallat, M Rossi, VK Tuunainen, A Oorni
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
What makes continued mobile gaming enjoyable?
J Merikivi, V Tuunainen, D Nguyen
Computers in human behavior 68, 411-421, 2017
Factors affecting the adoption and use of mobile devices and services by elderly people–results from a pilot study
S Mallenius, M Rossi, VK Tuunainen
6th Annual Global Mobility Roundtable 31, 12, 2007
Understanding runaway information technology projects: Results from an international research program based on escalation theory
M Keil, R Mixon, T Saarinen, V Tuunainen
Journal of Management Information Systems 11 (3), 65-85, 1994
Barriers to global electronic commerce: A cross-country study of Hong Kong and Finland
AF Farhoomand, VK Tuunainen, LW Yee
Journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce 10 (1), 23-48, 2000
Opportunities of effective integration of EDI for small businesses in the automotive industry
VK Tuunainen
Information & Management 34 (6), 361-375, 1998
Critical factors in electronic grocery shopping
A Raijas, VK Tuunainen
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 11 (3 …, 2001
Users' awareness of privacy on online social networking sites-case Facebook
VK Tuunainen, O Pitkänen, M Hovi
Bled 2009 proceedings, 42, 2009
A framework for analyzing software business models.
R Rajala, M Rossi, VK Tuunainen
ECIS, 1614-1627, 2003
Understanding the creation of trust in cryptocurrencies: The case of Bitcoin
V Marella, B Upreti, J Merikivi, VK Tuunainen
Electronic Markets 30 (2), 259-271, 2020
When mobile is the norm: researching mobile information systems and mobility as post-adoption phenomena
C Middleton, R Scheepers, VK Tuunainen
European Journal of Information Systems 23 (5), 503-512, 2014
The magazine archive includes every article published in Communications of the ACM for over the past 50 years.
KL Kroeker
Communications of the ACM 54 (6), 11-13, 2011
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