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Ikuo Katayama
Ikuo Katayama
hiroshima-u.ac.jp üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
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Alıntı yapanlar
Geodynamic significance of seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle: New insights from laboratory studies
S Karato, H Jung, I Katayama, P Skemer
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 36 (1), 59-95, 2008
Effect of water and stress on the lattice-preferred orientation of olivine
H Jung, I Katayama, Z Jiang, T Hiraga, SI Karato
Tectonophysics 421 (1-2), 1-22, 2006
The misorientation index: Development of a new method for calculating the strength of lattice-preferred orientation
P Skemer, I Katayama, Z Jiang, S Karato
Tectonophysics 411 (1-4), 157-167, 2005
Global UHP metamorphism and continental subduction/collision: the Himalayan model
JG Liou, T Tsujimori, RY Zhang, I Katayama, S Maruyama
International Geology Review 46 (1), 1-27, 2004
Large areal extent of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane of East China: new implications from coesite and omphacite inclusions in zircon of …
K Ye, Y Yao, I Katayama, B Cong, Q Wang, S Maruyama
Lithos 52 (1-4), 157-164, 2000
Timing of Himalayan ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism: Sinking rate and subduction angle of the Indian continental crust beneath Asia
Y Kaneko, I Katayama, H Yamamoto, K Misawa, M Ishikawa, HU Rehman, ...
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 21 (6), 589-599, 2003
Major episodic increases of continental crustal growth determined from zircon ages of river sands; implications for mantle overturns in the Early Precambrian
S Rino, T Komiya, BF Windley, I Katayama, A Motoki, T Hirata
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 146 (1-2), 369-394, 2004
New type of olivine fabric from deformation experiments at modest water content and low stress
I Katayama, H Jung, S Karato
Geology 32 (12), 1045-1048, 2004
Trench-parallel anisotropy produced by serpentine deformation in the hydrated mantle wedge
I Katayama, K Hirauchi, K Michibayashi, J Ando
Nature 461 (7267), 1114-1117, 2009
Mineral inclusions in zircons of para-and orthogneiss from pre-pilot drillhole CCSD-PP1, Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project
F Liu, Z Xu, I Katayama, J Yang, S Maruyama, JG Liou
Lithos 59 (4), 199-215, 2001
Ion micro-probe U–Pb zircon geochronology of peak and retrograde stages of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Kokchetav massif, northern Kazakhstan
I Katayama, S Maruyama, CD Parkinson, K Terada, Y Sano
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 188 (1-2), 185-198, 2001
U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope systematics of zircons from the Mississippi River sand: Implications for reworking and growth of continental crust
T Iizuka, T Hirata, T Komiya, S Rino, I Katayama, A Motoki, S Maruyama
Geology 33 (6), 485-488, 2005
SHRIMP U–Pb dating of coesite‐bearing zircon from the ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic rocks, Sulu terrane, east China
JS Yang, JL Wooden, CL Wu, FL Liu, ZQ Xu, RD Shi, I Katayama, JG Liou, ...
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 21 (6), 551-560, 2003
Supersilicic clinopyroxene and silica exsolution in UHPM eclogite and pelitic gneiss from the Kokchetav massif, Kazakhstan
I Katayama, CD Parkinson, K Okamoto, Y Nakajima, S Maruyama
American Mineralogist 85 (10), 1368-1374, 2000
Hydroxyl in clinopyroxene from the deep subducted crust: Evidence for H2O transport into the mantle
I Katayama, S Nakashima
American Mineralogist 88 (1), 229-234, 2003
Ultrahigh-pressure mineral inclusions in zircons from gneissic core samples of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Site in eastern China
L Fulai, X Zhiqin, JG Liou, I Katayama, H Masago, S Maruyama, Y Jingsui
European Journal of Mineralogy 14 (3), 499-512, 2002
Effect of temperature on the B-to C-type olivine fabric transition and implication for flow pattern in subduction zones
I Katayama, S Karato
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 157 (1-2), 33-45, 2006
Water content in natural eclogite and implication for water transport into the deep upper mantle
I Katayama, S Nakashima, H Yurimoto
Lithos 86 (3-4), 245-259, 2006
Low-temperature, high-stress deformation of olivine under water-saturated conditions
I Katayama, S Karato
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 168 (3-4), 125-133, 2008
Diamond‐bearing and diamond‐free metacarbonate rocks from Kumdy–Kol in the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan
Y Ogasawara, M Ohta, K Fukasawa, I Katayama, S Maruyama
Island Arc 9 (3), 400-416, 2000
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