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Jackie Goode
Jackie Goode
lboro.ac.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
Women, men and food: the significance of gender for nutritional attitudes and choices
A Beardsworth, A Bryman, T Keil, J Goode, C Haslam, E Lancashire
British food journal 104 (7), 470-491, 2002
The contradiction of the myth of individual merit, and the reality of a patriarchal support system in academic careers: A feminist investigation
B Bagilhole, J Goode
European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (2), 161-180, 2001
‘Managing’disability: Early experiences of university students with disabilities
J Goode
Disability & Society 22 (1), 35-48, 2007
Purse or wallet?: gender inequalities and income distribution within families on benefits
J Goode, C Callender, R Lister
Policy Studies Institute, 1998
Maximising the value of combining qualitative research and randomised controlled trials in health research: the QUAlitative Research in Trials (QUART) study--a mixed methods study
A O'Cathain, KJ Thomas, SJ Drabble, A Rudolph, J Goode, J Hewison
Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England) 18 (38), 1, 2014
Getting added value from using qualitative research with randomized controlled trials: a qualitative interview study
A O’Cathain, J Goode, SJ Drabble, KJ Thomas, A Rudolph, J Hewison
Trials 15, 1-12, 2014
Listening to parents: An approach to the improvement of home/school relations
J Atkin, J Bastiani, J Goode
(No Title), 1988
Telephone triage, expert systems and clinical expertise
D Greatbatch, G Hanlon, J Goode, A O'Cathain, T Strangleman, D Luff
Sociology of Health & Illness 27 (6), 802-830, 2005
Gendering the management of change in higher education: a case study
J Goode, B Bagilhole
Gender, Work & Organization 5 (3), 148-164, 1998
Policing research and the rise of the ‘evidence-base’: Police officer and staff understandings of research, its implementation and ‘what works’
K Lumsden, J Goode
Sociology 52 (4), 813-829, 2018
Knowledge, technology and nursing: the case of NHS Direct
G Hanlon, T Strangleman, J Goode, D Luff, A O’Cathain, D Greatbatch
Human relations 58 (2), 147-171, 2005
The McDonaldisation of police–academic partnerships: organisational and cultural barriers encountered in moving from research on police to research with police
J Goode, K Lumsden
Policing and society 28 (1), 75-89, 2018
Does NHS Direct empower patients?
A O’Cathain, J Goode, D Luff, T Strangleman, G Hanlon, D Greatbatch
Social science & medicine 61 (8), 1761-1771, 2005
Empowering or disempowering the international Ph. D. student? Constructions of the dependent and independent learner
J Goode
British Journal of Sociology of Education 28 (5), 589-603, 2007
Credit and debt in low-income families
C Dearden, J Goode, G Whitfield, L Cox
Joseph Rowntree Foundation (© Loughborough University), 2010
The'Gender Dimension'of both the'Narrow'and'Broad'Curriculum in UK Higher Education: do women lose out in both?
B Bagilhole, J Goode
Gender and Education 10 (4), 445-458, 1998
Risk and the responsible health consumer: the problematics of entitlement among callers to NHS Direct
J Goode, D Greatbatch, A O’cathain, D Luff, G Hanlon, T Strangleman
Critical Social Policy 24 (2), 210-232, 2004
Dietary dilemmas: nutritional concerns of the 1990s
J Goode, A Beardsworth, C Haslam, T Keil, E Sherratt
British Food Journal 97 (11), 3-12, 1995
The role of gender dynamics in decisions on credit and debt in low income families
J Goode
Critical Social Policy 30 (1), 99-119, 2010
‘I will not be thrown out of the country because I’m an immigrant’: Eastern European migrants’ responses to hate crime in a semi-rural context in the wake of Brexit
K Lumsden, J Goode, A Black
Sociological Research Online 24 (2), 167-184, 2019
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