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Emerging web technologies in higher education: A case of incorporating blogs, podcasts and social bookmarks in a web programming course based on students' learning styles and …
N Saeed, Y Yang, S Sinnappan
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 12 (4), 98-109, 2009
A biologically-inspired clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks
S Selvakennedy, S Sinnappan, Y Shang
Computer Communications 30 (14-15), 2786-2801, 2007
Development of a positive body image chatbot (KIT) with young people and parents/carers: qualitative focus group study
F Beilharz, S Sukunesan, SL Rossell, J Kulkarni, G Sharp
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (6), e27807, 2021
Priceless tweets! A study on Twitter messages posted during crisis: Black Saturday
S Sinnappan, C Farrell, E Stewart
Using Social Media Effectively in the Classroom: Blogs, Wikis, Twitter, and More
Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2012
Australian higher education institutions transforming the future of teaching and learning through 3D virtual worlds
S Gregory, MJW Lee, A Ellis, B Gregory, D Wood, M Hillier, M Campbell, ...
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for …, 2010
Influencing the conversation about masculinity and suicide: evaluation of the Man Up multimedia campaign using Twitter data
M Schlichthorst, K King, J Turnure, S Sukunesan, A Phelps, J Pirkis
JMIR mental health 5 (1), e9120, 2018
Media richness and user acceptance of Second Life
N Saeed, Y Yang, S Sukunesan
Swinburne, 2008
T-ANT: a nature-inspired data gathering protocol for wireless sensor networks
S Selvakennedy, S Sukunesan, Y Shang
Swinburne, 2006
Australian online newspapers: A website content analysis approach to measuring interactivity
L Hashim, H Hasan, S Sinnapan
18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 5-7, 2007
Adoption of Twitter in higher education-a pilot study
N Saeed, S Sukunesan
Swinburne, 2011
User acceptance of Second Life: An extended TAM with hedonic consumption behaviours
N Saeed, Y Yang, S Sinnappan
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS’09), Verona Italy, 2963-2975, 2009
Using microblogging to facilitate community of inquiry: An Australian tertiary experience
S Sinnappan, S Zutshi
Proceedings of ASCILITE, 1123-1135, 2011
Examining the pro-eating disorders community on Twitter via the hashtag# proana: statistical modeling approach
S Sukunesan, M Huynh, G Sharp
JMIR Mental Health 8 (7), e24340, 2021
Exploring managerial leadership in Javanese (Indonesia) organisations: engaging Asta Brata, the eight principles of Javanese statesmanship
C Selvarajah, D Meyer, R Roostika, S Sukunesan
Asia Pacific Business Review 23 (3), 373-395, 2017
Potential benefits and limitations of machine learning in the field of eating disorders: current research and future directions
J Fardouly, RD Crosby, S Sukunesan
Journal of Eating Disorders 10 (1), 66, 2022
A configurable time-controlled clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks
S Selvakennedy, SS Sinnappan
11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'05 …, 2005
An adaptive data dissemination strategy for wireless sensor networks
S Selvakennedy, S Sinnappan
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 3 (1), 23-40, 2007
The role of social media during Queensland floods: An empirical investigation on the existence of multiple communities of practice (MCoPs)
A Ahmed, S Sinnappan
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 5 (2), 2, 2013
Rhetoric and reality: Critical perspectives on education in a 3D virtual world
S Gregory, B Gregory, D Wood, D Butler, S Pasfield-Neofitou, M Hearns, ...
ascilite 2014 Conference Proceedings, 279-289, 2014
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