Takip et
Paula da Costa Ferreira
Paula da Costa Ferreira
Researcher, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon
campus.ul.pt üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Automatic cyberbullying detection: A systematic review
H Rosa, N Pereira, R Ribeiro, PC Ferreira, JP Carvalho, S Oliveira, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 93, 333-345, 2019
Cyberbullying: The hidden side of college students
SM Francisco, AMV Simão, PC Ferreira, MJ das Dores Martins
Computers in human behavior 43, 167-182, 2015
How daily negative affect and emotional exhaustion correlates with work engagement and presenteeism-constrained productivity.
AI Ferreira, P da Costa Ferreira, CL Cooper, D Oliveira
International Journal of Stress Management 26 (3), 261, 2019
Portuguese higher education students’ adaptation to online teaching and learning in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: personal and contextual factors
MA Flores, A Barros, AMV Simão, D Pereira, P Flores, E Fernandes, ...
Higher Education 83 (6), 1389-1408, 2022
Workplace bullying and presenteeism: the path through emotional exhaustion and psychological wellbeing
M Neto, AI Ferreira, LF Martinez, PC Ferreira
Annals of work exposures and health 61 (5), 528-538, 2017
University students’ perceptions of campus climate, cyberbullying and cultural issues: implications for theory and practice
SB Souza, AM Veiga Simão, AI Ferreira, PC Ferreira
Studies in Higher Education 43 (11), 2072-2087, 2018
Student bystander behavior and cultural issues in cyberbullying: When actions speak louder than words
PC Ferreira, AMV Simão, A Ferreira, S Souza, S Francisco
Computers in Human Behavior 60, 301-311, 2016
Does training in how to regulate one’s learning affect how students report self-regulated learning in diary tasks?
PC Ferreira, AMV Simão, AL Da Silva
Metacognition and learning 10, 199-230, 2015
Adolescent cybervictimization–Who they turn to and their perceived school climate
AMV Simão, PC Ferreira, I Freire, AP Caetano, MJ Martins, C Vieira
Journal of adolescence 58, 12-23, 2017
Exploring empathy in cyberbullying with serious games
PC Ferreira, AMV Simão, A Paiva, C Martinho, R Prada, A Ferreira, ...
Computers & Education 166, 104155, 2021
Responsive bystander behaviour in cyberbullying: A path through self-efficacy
PC Ferreira, AMV Simão, A Paiva, A Ferreira
Behaviour & Information Technology 39 (5), 511-524, 2020
Ensino e aprendizagem à distância em tempos de COVID-19: um estudo com alunos do Ensino Superior
MA Flores, AMV Simão, A Barros, P Flores, D Pereira, EL Fernandes, ...
Revista Portuguesa de pedagogia 55, e055001-e055001, 2021
Cyberbullying: Shaping the use of verbal aggression through normative moral beliefs and self-efficacy
AMV Veiga Simão, P Ferreira, SM Francisco, P Paulino, SB de Souza
New Media & Society 20 (12), 4787-4806, 2018
Teaching practices that foster self-regulated learning: A case study
PC Ferreira, AMV Simão
Educational Research eJournal 1 (1), 1-16, 2012
Career interests of students in psychology specialties degrees: psychometric evidence and correlations with the RIASEC dimensions
AI Ferreira, RI Rodrigues, P da Costa Ferreira
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 16, 91-111, 2016
Ensino remoto de emergência em tempos de pandemia: a experiência de professores portugueses
MA Flores, A Barros, M Gago, EL Fernandes, D Pereira, PC Ferreira, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional, 1-26, 2021
Online verbal aggression, social relationships, and self-efficacy beliefs
PC Ferreira, AM Veiga Simao, NS Pereira, P Paulino, S Oliveira
New media & society 23 (5), 960-981, 2021
Anxiety, depression, and coping strategies: Improving the evaluation and the understanding of these dimensions during pre-adolescence and adolescence.
MG Matos, G Tomé, I Borges, D Manso, AI Ferreira, P Ferreira
Journal of cognitive and behavioral psychotherapies 8 (2), 169-184, 2008
Prosociality in cyberspace: Developing emotion and behavioral regulation to decrease aggressive communication
AM Veiga Simão, P Costa Ferreira, N Pereira, S Oliveira, P Paulino, ...
Cognitive Computation 13 (3), 736-750, 2021
How and with what accuracy do children report self-regulated learning in contemporary EFL instructional settings?
PC Ferreira, AMV Simão, AL da Silva
European Journal of Psychology of Education 32, 589-615, 2017
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