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Stanisław Szombara
Stanisław Szombara
AGH University of Science And Technology, Department of Integrated Geodesy and Cartography Kraków
agh.edu.pl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Annual crustal deformation based on GNSS observations between 1996 and 2016
K Maciuk, S Szombara
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11 (21), 667, 2018
To save from oblivion: Comparative analysis of remote sensing means of documenting forgotten architectural treasures–Zagórz Monastery complex, Poland
P Lewińska, M Róg, A Żądło, S Szombara
Measurement 189, 110447, 2022
A method for assessing generalized data accuracy with linear object resolution verification
T Chrobak, S Szombara, K Kozoł, M Lupa
Geocarto International 32 (3), 238-256, 2017
Analyses of the Prądnik riverbed shape based on archival and contemporary data sets—old maps, LiDAR, DTMs, orthophotomaps and cross-sectional profile measurements
S Szombara, P Lewińska, A Żądło, M Róg, K Maciuk
Remote Sensing 12 (14), 2208, 2020
Geostatistical prediction of a local geometric geoid-kriging and cokriging with the use of EGM2008 geopotential model
M Ligas, S Szombara
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 62, 187-205, 2018
Generowanie numerycznych modeli powierzchni oraz terenu w Tatrach na podstawie chmury punktów z lotniczego skaningu laserowego (ALS)
P Wężyk, N Borowiec, S Szombara, R Wańczyk
Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji 18, 651-661, 2008
Limits of colour perception in the context of minimum dimensions in digital cartography
M Lupa, S Szombara, M Chuchro, T Chrobak
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (9), 276, 2017
The use of cartographic control points in the harmonization and revision of MRDBs
T Chrobak, M Lupa, S Szombara, D Dejniak
Geocarto International 34 (3), 260-275, 2019
Generation of digital surface and terrain models of the Tatra mountains based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) point cloud
P Wezyk, N Borowiec, S Szombara, R Wanczyk
Archives of Photogrammetry, Cartography and Remote Sensing 18, 651-661, 2008
Comparison of methods used in cartography for the skeletonisation of areal objects
S Szombara
Geoinformatica polonica 2015 (2015)), 85-94, 2015
Comparative analysis of ArcGIS i QGIS in terms of the transformations’ runtime
J Dębicka, S Szombara
Geoinformatica Polonica 17, 99-108, 2018
Mining Activity and its Remains-The Possibilities of Obtaining, Analysing and Disseminating of Various Data on the Example of Miedzianka, Lower Silesia, Poland.
R Kawiecka, A Krawczyk, P Lewińska, K Pargieła, S Szombara, A Tama, ...
Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences 8 (2), 2018
Zastosowanie obiektowo zorientowanej analizy obrazu (GEOBIA) wysokorozdzielczych obrazów satelitarnych w klasyfikacji obszaru miasta Krakowa
P Wężyk, R de Kok, S Szombara
Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji, 791-800, 2007
Determining peak altitude on maps, books and cartographic materials: Multidisciplinary implications
K Maciuk, M Apollo, JM Cheer, O Konečný, K Kozioł, J Kudrys, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (6), 1111, 2021
Automatyzacja procesu generalizacji wielorozdzielczej bazy danych
T Chrobak, K Kozioł, M Lupa, S Szombara
Wydawnictwo AGH, 2013
Unambiguous collapse operator of digital cartographic generalisation
S Szombara
Proceedings of 16th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Map Production, 23-24, 2013
Application of elementary triangle in collapse operator of digital cartographic generalisation process
S Szombara
Technical Sciences 14, 2011
The highest peaks of the mountains: Comparing the use of GNSS, LiDAR point clouds, DTMs, databases, maps, and historical sources
S Szombara, M Róg, K Kozioł, K Maciuk, B Skorupa, J Kudrys, T Lepeška, ...
Energies 14 (18), 5731, 2021
Transformation of areal objects into linear objects, regarding the map scale
SS Szombara
Geoinformatica Polonica 12 (1), 143-8, 2013
Using different mapping techniques and GIS programs in the analysis and visualisation of mental maps
S Szombara
Polish Cartographical Review 53, 2021
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