Analysis of molecular variance inferred from metric distances among DNA haplotypes: application to human mitochondrial DNA restriction data. L Excoffier, PE Smouse, JM Quattro Genetics 131 (2), 479-491, 1992 | 17322 | 1992 |
Fitness differences among remnant populations of the endangered Sonoran topminnow JM Quattro, RC Vrijenhoek Science 245 (4921), 976-978, 1989 | 273 | 1989 |
Universal cytochrome b primers facilitate intraspecific studies in molluscan taxa TJS Merritt, L Shi, MC Chase, MA Rex, RJ Etter, JM Quattro Molecular marine biology and biotechnology 7, 7-11, 1998 | 188 | 1998 |
Molecular Analysis of Diazotroph Diversity in the Rhizosphere of the Smooth Cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora CR Lovell, YM Piceno, JM Quattro, CE Bagwell Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (9), 3814-3822, 2000 | 184 | 2000 |
Molecular clones within organismal clones: mitochondrial DNA phylogenies and the evolutionary histories of unisexual vertebrates JC Avise, JM Quattro, RC Vrijenhoek Evolutionary Biology: Volume 26, 225-246, 1992 | 157 | 1992 |
Population differentiation decreases with depth in deep‐sea bivalves RJ Etter, MA Rex, MR Chase, JM Quattro Evolution 59 (7), 1479-1491, 2005 | 143 | 2005 |
An ancient clonal lineage in the fish genus Poeciliopsis (Atheriniformes: Poeciliidae). JM Quattro, JC Avise, RC Vrijenhoek Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89 (1), 348-352, 1992 | 135 | 1992 |
Genetic evidence of cryptic speciation within hammerhead sharks (Genus Sphyrna) JM Quattro, DS Stoner, WB Driggers, CA Anderson, KA Priede, ... Marine Biology 148, 1143-1155, 2006 | 130 | 2006 |
Freshwater fishes of South Carolina FC Rohde Univ of South Carolina Press, 2009 | 116 | 2009 |
Molecular population structure of the marine benthic copepod Microarthridion littorale along the southeastern and Gulf coasts of the USA NV Schizas, GT Street, BC Coull, GT Chandler, JM Quattro Marine Biology 135, 399-405, 1999 | 108 | 1999 |
A genetic dimension to deep-sea biodiversity RJ Etter, MA Rex, MC Chase, JM Quattro Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 46 (6), 1095-1099, 1999 | 101 | 1999 |
Molecular evidence for multiple origins of hybridogenetic fish clones (Poeciliidae: Poeciliopsis). JM Quattro, JC Avise, RC Vrijenhoek Genetics 127 (2), 391-398, 1991 | 101 | 1991 |
Evidence of hexaploid karyotype in shortnose sturgeon F Fontana, L Congiu, VA Mudrak, JM Quattro, TIJ Smith, K Ware, ... Genome 51 (2), 113-119, 2008 | 98 | 2008 |
Mode of origin and sources of genotypic diversity in triploid gynogenetic fish clones (Poeciliopsis: Poeciliidae). JM Quattro, JC Avise, RC Vrijenhoek Genetics 130 (3), 621-628, 1992 | 90 | 1992 |
Ontogeny of odorant receptor gene expression in zebrafish, Danio rerio CA Byrd, JT Jones, JM Quattro, ME Rogers, PC Brunjes, RG Vogt Journal of neurobiology 29 (4), 445-458, 1996 | 86 | 1996 |
Bathymetric patterns of genetic variation in a deep-sea protobranch bivalve, Deminucula atacellana MR Chase, RJ Etter, MA Rex, JM Quattro Marine Biology 131, 301-308, 1998 | 84 | 1998 |
Observations of a feeding aggregation of whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, in the north central Gulf of Mexico ER Hoffmayer, JS Franks, WB Driggers III, KJ Oswald, JM Quattro Gulf and Caribbean Research 19 (2), 69-73, 2007 | 79 | 2007 |
Genetic issues in aquatic species management: the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in the southeastern United States JM Quattro, TW Greig, DK Coykendall, BW Bowen, JD Baldwin Conservation Genetics 3, 155-166, 2002 | 79 | 2002 |
Extraction and amplification of mitochondrial DNA from formalin-fixed deep-sea mollusks MR Chase, RJ Etter, MA Rex, JM Quattro Biotechniques 24 (2), 243-247, 1998 | 79 | 1998 |
An efficient DNA extraction method for small metazoans NV Schizas, GT Street, BC Coull, GT Chandler, JM Quattro Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology 6 (4), 381, 1997 | 78 | 1997 |