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Esme Isik
Esme Isik
Malatya Turgut Özal Üniversitesi, University of Warwick
warwick.ac.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Parkinson’s detection based on combined CNN and LSTM using enhanced speech signals with variational mode decomposition
MB Er, E Isik, I Isik
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 70, 103006, 2021
The role of institutional quality in the relationship between financial development and economic growth: Emerging markets and middle-income economies
Y Bayraktar, A Ozyilmaz, M Toprak, MF Olgun, E Isik
Borsa Istanbul Review 23 (6), 1303-1321, 2023
Role of the Health System in Combating Covid-19: Cross-Section Analysis and Artificial Neural Network Simulation for 124 Country Cases
FBMFO Yüksel Bayraktar , Ayfer Özyılmaz , Metin Toprak , Esme Işık
Social Work in Public Health 36 (2), 178-193, 2021
The relationship between health expenditures and economic growth in EU countries: empirical evidence using panel fourier toda–yamamoto causality test and regression models
A Ozyilmaz, Y Bayraktar, E Isik, M Toprak, MB Er, F Besel, S Aydin, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (22), 15091, 2022
Artificial neural network modeling for the effect of fly ash fineness on compressive strength
D Demir Sahin, E Isik, I Isik, M Cullu
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-14, 2021
Synthesis and analysis of TiO2 nanotubes by electrochemical anodization and machine learning method for hydrogen sensors
E Isik, LB Tasyurek, I Isik, N Kilinc
Microelectronic Engineering 262, 111834, 2022
Analyzing of Alzheimer’s disease based on biomedical and socio-economic approach using molecular communication, artificial neural network, and random forest models
Y Bayraktar, E Isik, I Isik, A Ozyilmaz, M Toprak, F Kahraman Guloglu, ...
Sustainability 14 (13), 7901, 2022
Socio-economic, demographic and health determinants of the COVID-19 outbreak
A Ozyilmaz, Y Bayraktar, M Toprak, E Isik, T Guloglu, S Aydin, MF Olgun, ...
Healthcare 10 (4), 748, 2022
Analysis of thermoluminescence characteristics of a lithium disilicate glass ceramic using a nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input model
E Işik, H Toktamiş, İ Işik
Luminescence. 2020; 35: 827– 834., 2020
Analysis and estimation of fading time from thermoluminescence glow curve by using artificial neural network
E Isik, İ Isik, H Toktamis
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 2021
Analyzing of the Viscosity by Using Artificial Neural Networks
E Isik
Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials 3 (2), 38-41, 2020
Enhancing the performance of TiO2 nanotube-based hydrogen sensors through crystal structure and metal electrode
LB Tasyurek, E Isik, I Isik, N Kilinc
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024
Analysis and classification of the mobile molecular communication systems with deep learning
I Isik, MB Er, E Isik
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 13 (5), 2903-2919, 2022
Dose and fading time estimation of glass ceramic by using artificial neural network method
HT İbrahim Isik, Esme Isik
Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi 12 (1), 47-52, 2021
TLD characteristic of glass, feldspathic and lithium disilicate ceramics
E Isik, H Toktamis
Luminescence 34 (2), 272-279, 2019
Classification of thermoluminescence features of the natural halite with machine learning
D Toktamis, MB Er, E Isik
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 177 (3-4), 360-371, 2022
Classification of Thermoluminescence Features of CaCO3 with Long Short-Term Memory Model
E Isik, D Toktamis, HM Er, Mehmet Bilal
Luminescence; The journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence, 2021
Analyzing of the diffusion constant on the nano-scale systems by using artificial neural networks
E Isik
AIP Advances 11 (10), 2021
Thermoluminescence Characteristic of Calcite with Gaussian Process Regression Model of Machine Learning
E Isik
Luminescence, 2022
The impact of refugees on income inequality in developing countries by using quantile regression, ANN, fixed and random effect
A Ozyilmaz, Y Bayraktar, E Isik, M Toprak, MF Olgun, S Aydin, T Guloglu
Sustainability 14 (15), 9223, 2022
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