Takip et
Kelvin H.L. Zhang
Kelvin H.L. Zhang
xmu.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Band gap, electronic structure, and surface electron accumulation of cubic and rhombohedral
PDC King, TD Veal, F Fuchs, CY Wang, DJ Payne, A Bourlange, H Zhang, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (20), 205211, 2009
Recent progress on the electronic structure, defect, and doping properties of Ga2O3
J Zhang, J Shi, DC Qi, L Chen, KHL Zhang
APL Materials 8 (2), 020906, 2020
Ferromagnetism in dilute magnetic semiconductors through defect engineering: Li-doped ZnO
JB Yi, CC Lim, GZ Xing, HM Fan, LH Van, SL Huang, KS Yang, XL Huang, ...
Physical review letters 104 (13), 137201, 2010
P-type transparent conducting oxides
KHL Zhang, K Xi, MG Blamire, RG Egdell
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (38), 383002, 2016
Wide bandgap oxide semiconductors: from materials physics to optoelectronic devices
J Shi, J Zhang, L Yang, M Qu, DC Qi, KHL Zhang
Advanced Materials 33 (50), 2006230, 2021
Fundamental Carrier Lifetime Exceeding 1 µs in Cs2AgBiBr6 Double Perovskite
RLZ Hoye, L Eyre, F Wei, F Brivio, A Sadhanala, S Sun, W Li, KHL Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 5 (15), 1800464, 2018
Perovskite Sr‐Doped LaCrO3 as a New p‐Type Transparent Conducting Oxide
KHL Zhang, Y Du, A Papadogianni, O Bierwagen, S Sallis, LFJ Piper, ...
Advanced Materials 27 (35), 5191-5195, 2015
Strongly Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance and Defect Physics of Air‐Stable Bismuth Oxyiodide (BiOI)
RLZ Hoye, LC Lee, RC Kurchin, TN Huq, KHL Zhang, M Sponseller, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (36), 1702176, 2017
Electronic and transport properties of Li-doped NiO epitaxial thin films
JY Zhang, WW Li, RLZ Hoye, JL MacManus-Driscoll, M Budde, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (9), 2275-2282, 2018
The electronic structure of transition metal oxides for oxygen evolution reaction
H Wang, KHL Zhang, JP Hofmann, FE Oropeza
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (35), 19465-19488, 2021
P-block metal-based (Sn, In, Bi, Pb) electrocatalysts for selective reduction of CO2 to formate
Z Yang, FE Oropeza, KHL Zhang
Apl Materials 8 (6), 2020
A Single‐Step Hydrothermal Route to 3D Hierarchical Cu2O/CuO/rGO Nanosheets as High‐Performance Anode of Lithium‐Ion Batteries
S Wu, G Fu, W Lv, J Wei, W Chen, H Yi, M Gu, X Bai, L Zhu, C Tan, ...
Small 14 (5), 1702667, 2018
Microscopic origin of electron accumulation in In 2 O 3
KHL Zhang, RG Egdell, F Offi, S Iacobucci, L Petaccia, S Gorovikov, ...
Physical review letters 110 (5), 056803, 2013
Defects in complex oxide thin films for electronics and energy applications: challenges and opportunities
W Li, J Shi, KHL Zhang, JL MacManus-Driscoll
Materials Horizons 7 (11), 2832-2859, 2020
Embedding ZnSe nanodots in nitrogen-doped hollow carbon architectures for superior lithium storage
Z Chen, R Wu, H Wang, KHL Zhang, Y Song, F Wu, F Fang, D Sun
Nano Research 11, 966-978, 2018
Surface energies control the self-organization of oriented In2O3 nanostructures on cubic zirconia
KHL Zhang, A Walsh, CRA Catlow, VK Lazarov, RG Egdell
Nano letters 10 (9), 3740-3746, 2010
Fabrication and Interfacial Electronic Structure of Wide Bandgap NiO and Ga2O3 p–n Heterojunction
J Zhang, S Han, M Cui, X Xu, W Li, H Xu, C Jin, M Gu, L Chen, KHL Zhang
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (2), 456-463, 2020
Increased activity in the oxygen evolution reaction by Fe 4+-induced hole states in perovskite La 1− x Sr x FeO 3
Z Shen, Y Zhuang, W Li, X Huang, FE Oropeza, EJM Hensen, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (8), 4407-4415, 2020
Hole-induced insulator-to-metal transition in L a 1− x S r x Cr O 3 epitaxial films
KHL Zhang, Y Du, PV Sushko, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, S Sallis, ...
Physical Review B 91 (15), 155129, 2015
Ni3+-Induced Hole States Enhance the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity of NixCo3–xO4 Electrocatalysts
M Cui, X Ding, X Huang, Z Shen, TL Lee, FE Oropeza, JP Hofmann, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (18), 7618-7625, 2019
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