Takip et
Pascale Benoliel, PhD
Pascale Benoliel, PhD
Associate Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy, Bar-Ilan University
biu.ac.il üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The implications of the school’s cultural attributes in the relationships between participative leadership and teacher job satisfaction and burnout
P Benoliel, A Barth
Journal of educational Administration 55 (6), 640-656, 2017
The health and performance effects of participative leadership: Exploring the moderating role of the Big Five personality dimensions
P Benoliel, A Somech
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23 (2), 277-294, 2014
The role of leader boundary activities in enhancing interdisciplinary team effectiveness
P Benoliel, A Somech
Small Group Research 46 (1), 83-124, 2015
Who benefits from participative management?
P Benoliel, A Somech
Journal of Educational Administration 48 (3), 285-308, 2010
How national context indirectly influences instructional leadership implementation: The case of Israel
H Shaked, P Benoliel, P Hallinger
Educational Administration Quarterly 57 (3), 437-469, 2021
Marketing teacher quality: Critical discourse analysis of OECD documents on effective teaching and TALIS
I Berkovich, P Benoliel
Critical Studies in Education 61 (4), 496-511, 2020
Principals’ boundary activities and school violence: The mediating role of school management teams
P Benoliel
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 48 (2), 286-304, 2020
Managing senior management team boundaries and school improvement: an investigation of the school leader role
P Benoliel
International Journal of Leadership in Education 20 (1), 57-86, 2017
Is it personal? Teacher’s personality and the principal’s role in professional learning communities
P Benoliel, C Schechter
Improving schools 20 (3), 222-235, 2017
Nurses’ psychological empowerment: An integrative approach
O Shapira‐Lishchinsky, P Benoliel
Journal of nursing management 27 (3), 661-670, 2019
School principals’ systems thinking: antecedents and consequences
P Benoliel, H Shaked, N Nadav, C Schechter
Journal of Educational Administration 57 (2), 167-184, 2019
There is no “T” in school improvement: The missing team perspective
P Benoliel, I Berkovich
International Journal of Educational Management 31 (7), 922-929, 2017
Promoting the school learning processes: Principals as learning boundary spanners
P Benoliel, C Schechter
International Journal of Educational Management 31 (7), 878-894, 2017
A team-based perspective for school improvement: The mediating role of school management teams
P Benoliel
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 14 (2), 442-470, 2021
Instructional boundary management: The complementarity of instructional leadership and boundary management
H Shaked, PS Benoliel
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 48 (5), 821-839, 2020
Ecological school culture for novice teachers’ retention: Principals’ perceptions
E Zavelevsky, O Shapira-Lishchinsky, P Benoliel, J Klein, C Schechter
Leadership and Policy in Schools 21 (4), 922-937, 2022
Teamwork doubting and doubting teamwork
P Benoliel, C Schechter
Improving schools 21 (3), 225-239, 2018
Principals’ systems thinking: the meaning and measure of a leadership construct
H Shaked, P Benoliel, N Nadav, C Schechter
Leading Holistically, 54-73, 2018
Functional heterogeneity and senior management team effectiveness: The mediating role of school leadership
P Benoliel, A Somech
Journal of Educational Administration 54 (4), 492-512, 2016
Learning from intelligent failure: an organizational resource for school improvement
P Benoliel, I Berkovich
Journal of Educational Administration 59 (4), 402-421, 2021
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