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Deborah Rupp
Deborah Rupp
Professor of Psychology, George Mason University
gmu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Putting the S back in corporate social responsibility: A multilevel theory of social change in organizations
RV Aguilera, DE Rupp, CA Williams, J Ganapathi
Academy of management review 32 (3), 836-863, 2007
The relationship of emotional exhaustion to work attitudes, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors.
R Cropanzano, DE Rupp, ZS Byrne
Journal of Applied psychology 88 (1), 160, 2003
Moral virtues, fairness heuristics, social entities, and other denizens of organizational justice
R Cropanzano, ZS Byrne, DR Bobocel, DE Rupp
Journal of vocational behavior 58 (2), 164-209, 2001
Employee reactions to corporate social responsibility: An organizational justice framework
DE Rupp, J Ganapathi, RV Aguilera, CA Williams
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2006
The mediating effects of social exchange relationships in predicting workplace outcomes from multifoci organizational justice
DE Rupp, R Cropanzano
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 89 (1), 925-946, 2002
Taking a multifoci approach to the study of justice, social exchange, and citizenship behavior: The target similarity model
JJ Lavelle, DE Rupp, J Brockner
Journal of management 33 (6), 841-866, 2007
Three roads to organizational justice
R Cropanzano, DE Rupp, CJ Mohler, M Schminke
Research in personnel and human resources management, 1-113, 2001
Corporate governance and social responsibility: A comparative analysis of the UK and the US
RV Aguilera, CA Williams, JM Conley, DE Rupp
Corporate Governance: an international review 14 (3), 147-158, 2006
The impact of justice climate and justice orientation on work outcomes: a cross-level multifoci framework.
H Liao, DE Rupp
Journal of Applied psychology 90 (2), 242, 2005
Applicants' and employees' reactions to corporate social responsibility: The moderating effects of first‐party justice perceptions and moral identity
DE Rupp, R Shao, MA Thornton, DP Skarlicki
Personnel psychology 66 (4), 895-933, 2013
When customers lash out: the effects of customer interactional injustice on emotional labor and the mediating role of discrete emotions.
DE Rupp, S Spencer
Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 971, 2006
Assessment Centers in Human Resource Management: Strategies for Prediction, Diagnosis, and Development
GC Thornton, DE Rupp
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005
The multiple pathways through which internal and external corporate social responsibility influence organizational identification and multifoci outcomes: The moderating role of …
O Farooq, DE Rupp, M Farooq
Academy of management journal 60 (3), 954-985, 2017
Corporate social responsibility: Psychological, person-centric, and progressing
DE Rupp, DB Mallory
Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav. 2 (1), 211-236, 2015
An employee-centered model of organizational justice and social responsibility
D E. Rupp
Organizational Psychology Review 1 (1), 72-94, 2011
The multidimensional nature of ageism: Construct validity and group differences
DE Rupp, SJ Vodanovich, M Credé
The Journal of social psychology 145 (3), 335-362, 2005
How leaders cultivate social capital and nurture employee vigor: Implications for job performance.
A Carmeli, B Ben-Hador, DA Waldman, DE Rupp
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (6), 1553, 2009
Organization structure and fairness perceptions: The moderating effects of organizational level
M Schminke, R Cropanzano, DE Rupp
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 89 (1), 881-905, 2002
Customer (in) justice and emotional labor: The role of perspective taking, anger, and emotional regulation
DE Rupp, A Silke McCance, S Spencer, K Sonntag
Journal of Management 34 (5), 903-924, 2008
Angry, guilty, and conflicted: Injustice toward coworkers heightens emotional labor through cognitive and emotional mechanisms.
S Spencer, DE Rupp
Journal of applied psychology 94 (2), 429, 2009
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