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John J. Braun
John J. Braun
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
ucar.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Use of GPS receivers as a soil moisture network for water cycle studies
KM Larson, EE Small, ED Gutmann, AL Bilich, JJ Braun, VU Zavorotny
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (24), 2008
Can we measure snow depth with GPS receivers?
KM Larson, ED Gutmann, VU Zavorotny, JJ Braun, MW Williams, ...
Geophysical research letters 36 (17), 2009
Using GPS multipath to measure soil moisture fluctuations: Initial results
KM Larson, EE Small, E Gutmann, A Bilich, P Axelrad, J Braun
GPS solutions 12, 173-177, 2008
GPS multipath and its relation to near-surface soil moisture content
KM Larson, JJ Braun, EE Small, VU Zavorotny, ED Gutmann, AL Bilich
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2009
A physical model for GPS multipath caused by land reflections: Toward bare soil moisture retrievals
VU Zavorotny, KM Larson, JJ Braun, EE Small, ED Gutmann, AL Bilich
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2009
COSMIC‐2 radio occultation constellation: First results
WS Schreiner, JP Weiss, RA Anthes, J Braun, V Chu, J Fong, D Hunt, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (4), e2019GL086841, 2020
Obtaining single path phase delays from GPS double differences
C Alber, R Ware, C Rocken, J Braun
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (17), 2661-2664, 2000
Validation of line‐of‐sight water vapor measurements with GPS
J Braun, C Rocken, R Ware
Radio Science 36 (3), 459-472, 2001
Sensing vegetation growth with reflected GPS signals
EE Small, KM Larson, JJ Braun
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (12), 2010
Secular and tidal strain across the Main Ethiopian Rift
R Bilham, R Bendick, K Larson, P Mohr, J Braun, S Tesfaye, L Asfaw
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (18), 2789-2792, 1999
Quality-controlled upper-air sounding dataset for DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE: Development and corrections
PE Ciesielski, H Yu, RH Johnson, K Yoneyama, M Katsumata, CN Long, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 31 (4), 741-764, 2014
Using geodetic GPS receivers to measure vegetation water content
W Wan, KM Larson, EE Small, CC Chew, JJ Braun
Gps Solutions 19, 237-248, 2015
Comparisons of line-of-sight water vapor observations using the global positioning system and a pointing microwave radiometer
J Braun, C Rocken, J Liljegren
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 20 (5), 606-612, 2003
REFRACTT 2006: Real-time retrieval of high-resolution, low-level moisture fields from operational NEXRAD and research radars
RD Roberts, F Fabry, PC Kennedy, E Nelson, JW Wilson, N Rehak, J Fritz, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89 (10), 1535-1548, 2008
Comparison of snow data assimilation system with GPS reflectometry snow depth in the western United States
K Boniface, JJ Braun, JL McCreight, FG Nievinski
Hydrological processes 29 (10), 2425-2437, 2015
Accuracy assessment of the quiet-time ionospheric F2 peak parameters as derived from COSMIC-2 multi-GNSS radio occultation measurements
I Cherniak, I Zakharenkova, J Braun, Q Wu, N Pedatella, W Schreiner, ...
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 11, 18, 2021
Improving GPS surveying with modeled ionospheric corrections
C Rocken, JM Johnson, JJ Braun, H Kawawa, Y Hatanaka, T Imakiire
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (23), 3821-3824, 2000
Measurements of Humidity in the Atmosphere and Validation Experiments (MOHAVE)-2009: overview of campaign operations and results
T Leblanc, TD Walsh, IS McDermid, GC Toon, JF Blavier, B Haines, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 4 (12), 2579-2605, 2011
Observing system simulation experiment study on imaging the ionosphere by assimilating observations from ground GNSS, LEO-based radio occultation and ocean reflection, and …
X Yue, WS Schreiner, YH Kuo, JJ Braun, YC Lin, W Wan
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (7), 3759-3773, 2013
UNAVCO Academic Research Infrastructure (ARI) receiver and antenna test report
C Rocken, C Meertens, B Stephens, J Braun, T VanHove, S Perry, ...
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/University NAVSTAR …, 1995
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