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Haruhiko Inoue
Haruhiko Inoue
affrc.go.jp üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Control of root system architecture by DEEPER ROOTING 1 increases rice yield under drought conditions
Y Uga, K Sugimoto, S Ogawa, J Rane, M Ishitani, N Hara, Y Kitomi, ...
Nature genetics 45 (9), 1097, 2013
OsYSL2 is a rice metal‐nicotianamine transporter that is regulated by iron and expressed in the phloem
S Koike, H Inoue, D Mizuno, M Takahashi, H Nakanishi, S Mori, ...
The Plant Journal 39 (3), 415-424, 2004
Rice OsYSL15 is an iron-regulated iron (III)-deoxymugineic acid transporter expressed in the roots and is essential for iron uptake in early growth of the seedlings
H Inoue, T Kobayashi, T Nozoye, M Takahashi, Y Kakei, K Suzuki, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (6), 3470-3479, 2009
Rice metal‐nicotianamine transporter, OsYSL2, is required for the long‐distance transport of iron and manganese
Y Ishimaru, H Masuda, K Bashir, H Inoue, T Tsukamoto, M Takahashi, ...
The Plant Journal 62 (3), 379-390, 2010
Three rice nicotianamine synthase genes, OsNAS1, OsNAS2, and OsNAS3 are expressed in cells involved in long‐distance transport of iron and differentially …
H Inoue, K Higuchi, M Takahashi, H Nakanishi, S Mori, NK Nishizawa
The Plant Journal 36 (3), 366-381, 2003
Durable panicle blast‐resistance gene Pb1 encodes an atypical CC‐NBS‐LRR protein and was generated by acquiring a promoter through local genome duplication
N Hayashi, H Inoue, T Kato, T Funao, M Shirota, T Shimizu, H Kanamori, ...
The Plant Journal 64 (3), 498-510, 2010
Cloning and characterization of deoxymugineic acid synthase genes from graminaceous plants
K Bashir, H Inoue, S Nagasaka, M Takahashi, H Nakanishi, S Mori, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (43), 32395-32402, 2006
Abscisic Acid Interacts Antagonistically with Salicylic Acid Signaling Pathway in Rice–Magnaporthe grisea Interaction
CJ Jiang, M Shimono, S Sugano, M Kojima, K Yazawa, R Yoshida, ...
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 23 (6), 791-798, 2010
Root-Secreted Coumarins and the Microbiota Interact to Improve Iron Nutrition in Arabidopsis
CJ Harbort, M Hashimoto, H Inoue, Y Niu, R Guan, AD Rombolà, ...
Cell Host & Microbe, 2020
Rice WRKY45 plays important roles in fungal and bacterial disease resistance
M Shimono, H Koga, AYA Akagi, N Hayashi, S Goto, M Sawada, ...
Molecular Plant Pathology 13 (1), 83-94, 2012
Isolation and characterization of IRO2, a novel iron-regulated bHLH transcription factor in graminaceous plants
Y Ogo, RN Itai, H Nakanishi, H Inoue, T Kobayashi, M Suzuki, ...
Journal of experimental botany 57 (11), 2867-2878, 2006
Blast resistance of CC-NB-LRR protein Pb1 is mediated by WRKY45 through protein–protein interaction
H Inoue, N Hayashi, A Matsushita, L Xinqiong, A Nakayama, S Sugano, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (23), 9577-9582, 2013
Expression of iron-acquisition-related genes in iron-deficient rice is co-ordinately induced by partially conserved iron-deficiency-responsive elements
T Kobayashi, M Suzuki, H Inoue, RN Itai, M Takahashi, H Nakanishi, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (415), 1305-1316, 2005
Deoxymugineic acid increases Zn translocation in Zn-deficient rice plants
M Suzuki, T Tsukamoto, H Inoue, S Watanabe, S Matsuhashi, ...
Plant molecular biology 66 (6), 609-617, 2008
Suppression of the Rice Fatty-Acid Desaturase Gene OsSSI2 Enhances Resistance to Blast and Leaf Blight Diseases in Rice
CJ Jiang, M Shimono, S Maeda, H Inoue, M Mori, M Hasegawa, ...
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 22 (7), 820-829, 2009
Cytokinins act synergistically with salicylic acid to activate defense gene expression in rice
CJ Jiang, M Shimono, S Sugano, M Kojima, X Liu, H Inoue, H Sakakibara, ...
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 26 (3), 287-296, 2013
Root angle modifications by the DRO1 homolog improve rice yields in saline paddy fields
Y Kitomi, E Hanzawa, N Kuya, H Inoue, N Hara, S Kawai, N Kanno, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (35), 21242-21250, 2020
Identification and localisation of the rice nicotianamine aminotransferase gene OsNAAT1 expression suggests the site of phytosiderophore synthesis in rice
H Inoue, M Takahashi, T Kobayashi, M Suzuki, H Nakanishi, S Mori, ...
Plant molecular biology 66 (1-2), 193-203, 2008
Nuclear ubiquitin proteasome degradation affects WRKY 45 function in the rice defense program
A Matsushita, H Inoue, S Goto, A Nakayama, S Sugano, N Hayashi, ...
The Plant Journal 73 (2), 302-313, 2013
Genome-wide identification of WRKY45-regulated genes that mediate benzothiadiazole-induced defense responses in rice
A Nakayama, S Fukushima, S Goto, A Matsushita, M Shimono, S Sugano, ...
BMC plant biology 13 (1), 150, 2013
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