Gerbes over orbifolds and twisted K-theory E Lupercio, B Uribe Communications in mathematical physics 245, 449-489, 2004 | 87* | 2004 |
Loop groupoids, gerbes, and twisted sectors on orbifolds, Orbifolds in mathematics and physics (Madison, WI, 2001), 163–184 E Lupercio, B Uribe Contemp. Math 310, 0 | 58* | |
Orbifold cohomology of the symmetric product B Uribe Communications in Analysis and Geometry 13 (1), 113-128, 2005 | 49* | 2005 |
Orbifold string topology E Lupercio, B Uribe, MA Xicotencatl Geometry & Topology 12 (4), 2203-2247, 2008 | 46 | 2008 |
Stringy Chern classes of singular varieties T de Fernex, E Lupercio, T Nevins, B Uribe Advances in Mathematics 208 (2), 597-621, 2007 | 36 | 2007 |
Equivariant principal bundles and their classifying spaces W Lück, B Uribe Algebraic & Geometric Topology 14 (4), 1925-1995, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Topological properties of spaces of projective unitary representations J Espinoza, B Uribe Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales …, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
Group actions on dg-manifolds and exact Courant algebroids B Uribe Communications in Mathematical Physics 318 (1), 35-67, 2013 | 24* | 2013 |
Stringy product on twisted orbifold K-theory for abelian quotients E Becerra, B Uribe Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 361 (11), 5781-5803, 2009 | 24* | 2009 |
Extended manifolds and extended equivariant cohomology S Hu, B Uribe Journal of Geometry and Physics 59 (1), 104-131, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
Universal twist in equivariant K‐theory for proper and discrete actions N Bárcenas, J Espinoza, M Joachim, B Uribe Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 108 (5), 1313-1350, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Chen-Ruan cohomology of cotangent orbifolds and Chas-Sullivan string topology A González, E Lupercio, C Segovia, B Uribe, MA Xicoténcatl Math. Res. Lett. 14 (3), 491–501, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
Segal's spectral sequence in twisted equivariant K-theory for proper and discrete actions N Bárcenas, J Espinoza, B Uribe, M Velásquez Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 61 (1), 121-150, 2018 | 17* | 2018 |
The loop orbifold of the symmetric product E Lupercio, B Uribe, MA Xicoténcatl Journal of pure and applied algebra 211 (2), 293-306, 2007 | 17 | 2007 |
Holonomy for gerbes over orbifolds E Lupercio, B Uribe Journal of Geometry and Physics 56 (9), 1534-1560, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
On the classification of pointed fusion categories up to weak Morita equivalence B Uribe Jongbloed Pacific Journal of Mathematics 290 (2), 437-466, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Inertia orbifolds, configuration spaces and the ghost loop space E Lupercio, B Uribe Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 55 (2), 185-201, 2004 | 16 | 2004 |
Deligne cohomology for orbifolds, discrete torsion and B-fields E Lupercio, B Uribe Geometric and topological methods for quantum field theory, 468-482, 2003 | 15 | 2003 |
Differential characters on orbifolds and string connections I: Global quotients E Lupercio, B Uribe Contemporary Mathematics 403, 127-142, 2006 | 13* | 2006 |
Chiralities of nodal points along high-symmetry lines with screw rotation symmetry R González-Hernández, E Tuiran, B Uribe Physical Review B 103 (23), 235143, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |