Live fast, die young: experimental evidence of population extinction risk due to climate change E Bestion, A Teyssier, M Richard, J Clobert, J Cote PLoS Biology 13 (10), e1002281, 2015 | 179 | 2015 |
Maternal exposure to predator scents: offspring phenotypic adjustment and dispersal E Bestion, A Teyssier, F Aubret, J Clobert, J Cote Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1792), 20140701, 2014 | 126 | 2014 |
Inside the guts of the city: urban-induced alterations of the gut microbiota in a wild passerine A Teyssier, LO Rouffaer, NS Hudin, D Strubbe, E Matthysen, L Lens, ... Science of the Total Environment 612, 1276-1286, 2018 | 124 | 2018 |
Dynamics of gut microbiota diversity during the early development of an avian host: evidence from a cross-foster experiment A Teyssier, L Lens, E Matthysen, J White Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 1524, 2018 | 114 | 2018 |
Diet contributes to urban-induced alterations in gut microbiota: experimental evidence from a wild passerine A Teyssier, E Matthysen, NS Hudin, L De Neve, J White, L Lens Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1920), 20192182, 2020 | 108 | 2020 |
Partners’ personality types and mate preferences: predation risk matters A Teyssier, E Bestion, M Richard, J Cote Behavioral Ecology 25 (4), 723-733, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Altered trophic interactions in warming climates: consequences for predator diet breadth and fitness E Bestion, A Soriano-Redondo, J Cucherousset, S Jacob, J White, ... Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1914), 20192227, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Effects of urbanization on host-pathogen interactions, using Yersinia in house sparrows as a model LO Rouffaer, D Strubbe, A Teyssier, N Salleh Hudin, AM Van den Abeele, ... PloS one 12 (12), e0189509, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
Non‐consumptive effects of a top‐predator decrease the strength of the trophic cascade in a four‐level terrestrial food web E Bestion, J Cucherousset, A Teyssier, J Cote Oikos 124 (12), 1597-1602, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Predictable food supplies induce plastic shifts in avian scaled body mass N Salleh Hudin, D Strubbe, A Teyssier, L De Neve, J White, ... Behavioral Ecology, arw108, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Phenotypic signatures of urbanization are scale-dependent: a multi-trait study on a classic urban exploiter D Strubbe, NS Hudin, A Teyssier, P Vantieghem, J Aerts, L Lens Landscape and Urban Planning 197, 103767, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Do wild-caught urban house sparrows show desensitized stress responses to a novel stressor? N Salleh Hudin, A Teyssier, J Aerts, GD Fairhurst, D Strubbe, J White, ... Biology open 7 (6), bio031849, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
House Sparrows Do Not Constitute a Significant Salmonella Typhimurium Reservoir across Urban Gradients in Flanders, Belgium LO Rouffaer, L Lens, R Haesendonck, A Teyssier, NS Hudin, D Strubbe, ... PLoS One 11 (5), e0155366, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Adaptive maternal effects shape offspring phenotype and survival in natal environments E Bestion, A Teyssier, M Rangassamy, O Calvez, O Guillaume, M Richard, ... The American Naturalist 200 (6), 773-789, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Influence of urbanisation on the gut microbiota of avian hosts and implications for host fitness A Teyssier University of Antwerp, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
General information on the house sparrows (Passer domesticus) A Teyssier, E Matthysen, N Salleh Hudin, L De Neve, J White, L Lens | | 2019 |
House sparrows (Passer domesticus) Picrust functional composition, microbiota samples and microbiota sequences A Teyssier, E Matthysen, N Salleh Hudin, L De Neve, J White, L Lens | | 2019 |
Verstedelijking verandert faunagemeenschappen F Hendrickx, C Souffreau, T Merckx, D Bonte, E Decaestecker, ... Natuur. focus, 62-68, 2018 | | 2018 |
Parasitisme en symbiose: wat verandert er in de stad? L Bulteel, L Reyserhove, E Macke, L Lens, A Teyssier, J White, ... Natuur. focus, 75-81, 2018 | | 2018 |
Fasta files of house sparrow gut microbiota A Teyssier, LO Rouffaer, N Saleh Hudin, D Strubbe, L Lens, J White | | 2018 |