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Julie Kelso
Julie Kelso
Utah State University
epa.gov üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Classifying streamflow duration: the scientific basis and an operational framework for method development
KM Fritz, TL Nadeau, JE Kelso, WS Beck, RD Mazor, RA Harrington, ...
Water 12 (9), 2545, 2020
Beyond the urban stream syndrome: organic matter budget for diagnostics and restoration of an impaired urban river
DM Epstein, JE Kelso, MA Baker
Urban Ecosystems 19, 1623-1643, 2016
Organic matter is a mixture of terrestrial, autochthonous, and wastewater effluent in an urban river
JE Kelso, MA Baker
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 202, 2020
Stream microbial community structured by trace elements, headwater dispersal, and large reservoirs in sub-alpine and urban ecosystems
EF Jones, N Griffin, JE Kelso, GT Carling, MA Baker, ZT Aanderud
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 491425, 2020
Intermittent and perennial macroinvertebrate communities had similar richness but differed in species trait composition depending on flow duration
JE Kelso, SA Entrekin
Hydrobiologia 807, 189-206, 2018
Can high volume hydraulic fracturing effects be detected in large watersheds? A case study of the South Fork Little Red River
BJ Austin, JE Kelso, MA Evans-White, SA Entrekin, BE Haggard
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 3, 40-46, 2018
Towards more realistic estimates of DOM decay in streams: Incubation methods, light, and non-additive effects
JE Kelso, EJ Rosi, MA Baker
Freshwater Science 39 (3), 559-575, 2020
Organic matter sources and composition in four watersheds with mixed land cover
JE Kelso, MA Baker
Hydrobiologia 849 (12), 2663-2682, 2022
Implementing an operational framework to develop a streamflow duration assessment method: A case study from the arid west United States
RD Mazor, BJ Topping, TL Nadeau, KM Fritz, JE Kelso, RA Harrington, ...
Water 13 (22), 3310, 2021
User Manual for a Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Arid West of the United States
RD Mazor, B Topping, TL Nadeau, KM Fritz, J Kelso, R Harrington, ...
Version 1, 83, 2021
Filtering with a drill pump: an efficient method to collect suspended sediment
JE Kelso, MA Baker
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52 (1), 262-268, 2016
The stream intermittency visualization dashboard: A web application for high-frequency logger data and daily flow observations
JE Kelso, W Saulnier, KM Fritz, TL Nadeau, B Topping
Hydrological processes 37 (2), 10.1002/hyp. 14809, 2023
User Manual for Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Methods for the Northeast and Southeast of the United States
RM Edgerton, J Kelso, K Nicholas
Organic Matter Sources, Composition, and Quality in Rivers and Experimental Streams
JE Kelso
Utah State University, 2018
The Urban Watershed as a Transformer of DOM Chemistry
RS Gabor, RM Smith, J Follstad Shah, JE Kelso, MA Baker, PD Brooks
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, B43F-2201, 2017
Characterization of Organic Matter Sources within a Matrix of Land Use in Northeast Utah
JE Kelso, MA Baker
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, B43F-2185, 2017
Light Degraded Dissolved Organic Matter Increased The Decay Rate of Terrestrial Organic Matter in Experimental Streams
J Kelso, E Rosi, M Baker
Erratum: “Filtering with a Drill Pump: An Efficient Method to Collect Suspended Sediment”
JE Kelso, MA Baker
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52 (6), 1536-1536, 2016
Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence Along a Mountain To Urban Gradient of Land Use
J Kelso
An Organic Matter Budget for an Impacted Urban Stream
D Epstein, J Kelso, M Baker
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