Takip et
Nur Haryani Zakaria
Nur Haryani Zakaria
Senior Lecturer, School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia
uum.edu.my üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Shoulder surfing defence for recall-based graphical passwords
NH Zakaria, D Griffiths, S Brostoff, J Yan
Proceedings of the seventh symposium on usable privacy and security, 1-12, 2011
Cryptocurrency adoption: current stage, opportunities, and open challenges
R Al-Amri, NH Zakaria, A Habbal, S Hassan
International journal of advanced computer research 9 (44), 293-307, 2019
Halal certification for tourism marketing: the attributes and attitudes of food operators in Indonesia
N Katuk, KR Ku-Mahamud, K Kayat, MN Abdul Hamid, NH Zakaria, ...
Journal of Islamic Marketing 12 (5), 1043-1062, 2021
Hybrid machine learning technique for intrusion detection system
H Mohamad Tahir, W Hasan, A Md Said, NH Zakaria, N Katuk, NF Kabir, ...
Factors influencing cloud computing adoption in higher education institutions of least developed countries: evidence from Republic of Yemen
A Hussein Alghushami, NH Zakaria, Z Mat Aji
Applied Sciences 10 (22), 8098, 2020
Oving K-means clustering using discretization technique in network intrusion detection system
HM Tahir, AM Said, NH Osman, NH Zakaria, PNAM Sabri, N Katuk
2016 3rd International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences …, 2016
Implementation and recent progress in cloud-based smart home automation systems
N Katuk, KR Ku-Mahamud, NH Zakaria, MA Maarof
2018 IEEE symposium on computer applications & industrial electronics …, 2018
Security, comfort, healthcare, and energy saving: A review on biometric factors for smart home environment
TK Ghazali, NH Zakaria
Journal of Computers 29 (1), 189-208, 2018
A popularity based caching strategy for the future Internet
S Hassan, IU Din, A Habbal, NH Zakaria
2016 ITU Kaleidoscope: ICTs for a Sustainable World (ITU WT), 1-8, 2016
Revisiting scenarios of using refactoring techniques to improve software systems quality
A Almogahed, M Omar, NH Zakaria, G Muhammad, SA AlQahtani
IEEE Access 11, 28800-28819, 2022
Refactoring codes to improve software security requirements
A Almogahed, M Omar, NH Zakaria
Procedia Computer Science 204, 108-115, 2022
Impact of software refactoring on software quality in the industrial environment: A review of empirical studies
A Almogahed, M Omar, NH Zakaria
Categorization refactoring techniques based on their effect on software quality attributes
A Almogahed, M Omar, NH Zakaria
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2019
A refactoring classification framework for efficient software maintenance
A Almogahed, H Mahdin, M Omar, NH Zakaria, SA Mostafa, SA AlQahtani, ...
IEEe Access 11, 78904-78917, 2023
Mobile phone sensing using the built-in camera
N Katuk, N Zakaria, KR Ku-Mahamud
International Association of Online Engineering, 2019
Social engineering awareness game (SEAG): an empirical evaluation of using game towards improving information security awareness
AST Olanrewaju, NH Zakaria
Software security measurements: A survey
A Almogahed, M Omar, NH Zakaria, A Alawadhi
2022 international conference on intelligent technology, system and service …, 2022
Empirical studies on software refactoring techniques in the industrial setting
A Almogahed, M Omar, NH Zakaria
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (3), 1705-1716, 2021
Recent studies on the effects of refactoring in software quality: Challenges and open issues
A Almogahed, M Omar, NH Zakaria
2022 2nd International Conference on Emerging Smart Technologies and …, 2022
Optimized refactoring mechanisms to improve quality characteristics in object-oriented systems
A Almogahed, H Mahdin, M Omar, NH Zakaria, G Muhammad, Z Ali
IEEE Access 11, 99143-99158, 2023
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