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Juan M Lora
Juan M Lora
Assistant Professor, Yale University
yale.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Atmospheric river tracking method intercomparison project (ARTMIP): Project goals and experimental design
CA Shields, JJ Rutz, LY Leung, FM Ralph, M Wehner, B Kawzenuk, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (6), 2455-2474, 2018
The PMIP4-CMIP6 Last Glacial Maximum experiments: preliminary results and comparison with the PMIP3-CMIP5 simulations
M Kageyama, SP Harrison, ML Kapsch, M Löfverström, JM Lora, ...
Climate of the Past Discussions 2020, 1-37, 2020
The atmospheric river tracking method intercomparison project (ARTMIP): Quantifying uncertainties in atmospheric river climatology
JJ Rutz, CA Shields, JM Lora, AE Payne, B Guan, P Ullrich, T O’brien, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (24), 13777-13802, 2019
Science goals and objectives for the Dragonfly Titan rotorcraft relocatable lander
JW Barnes, EP Turtle, MG Trainer, RD Lorenz, SM MacKenzie, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (4), 130, 2021
GCM simulations of Titan’s middle and lower atmosphere and comparison to observations
JM Lora, JI Lunine, JL Russell
Icarus 250, 516-528, 2015
North Pacific atmospheric rivers and their influence on western North America at the Last Glacial Maximum
JM Lora, JL Mitchell, C Risi, AE Tripati
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (2), 1051-1059, 2017
Increases in future AR count and size: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/6 experiment
TA O’Brien, MF Wehner, AE Payne, CA Shields, JJ Rutz, LR Leung, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127 (6), e2021JD036013, 2022
The Climate of Titan
JL Mitchell, JM Lora
Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences 44, 353-380, 2016
Titan's meteorology over the Cassini mission: Evidence for extensive subsurface methane reservoirs
EP Turtle, JE Perry, JM Barbara, AD Del Genio, S Rodriguez, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (11), 5320-5328, 2018
Abrupt reorganization of North Pacific and western North American climate during the last deglaciation
JM Lora, JL Mitchell, AE Tripati
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016
Consensus and disagreement in atmospheric river detection: ARTMIP global catalogues
JM Lora, CA Shields, JJ Rutz
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (20), e2020GL089302, 2020
An overview of ARTMIP's Tier 2 Reanalysis Intercomparison: Uncertainty in the detection of atmospheric rivers and their associated precipitation
ABM Collow, CA Shields, B Guan, S Kim, JM Lora, EE McClenny, K Nardi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127 (8), e2021JD036155, 2022
Possible tropical lakes on Titan from observations of dark terrain
CA Griffith, JM Lora, J Turner, PF Penteado, RH Brown, MG Tomasko, ...
Nature 486 (7402), 237-239, 2012
Fluvial erosion as a mechanism for crater modification on Titan
CD Neish, JL Molaro, JM Lora, AD Howard, RL Kirk, P Schenk, VJ Bray, ...
Icarus 270, 114-129, 2016
Abrupt regime shifts in the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation over the last deglaciation
M Löfverström, JM Lora
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (15), 8047-8055, 2017
The North American hydrologic cycle through the last deglaciation
JM Lora, DE Ibarra
Quaternary Science Reviews 226, 105991, 2019
A model intercomparison of Titan's climate and low-latitude environment
JM Lora, T Tokano, JV d’Ollone, S Lebonnois, RD Lorenz
Icarus 333, 113-126, 2019
Simulations of Titan’s paleoclimate
JM Lora, JI Lunine, JL Russell, AG Hayes
Icarus 243, 264-273, 2014
Titan’s climate patterns and surface methane distribution due to the coupling of land hydrology and atmosphere
SP Faulk, JM Lora, JL Mitchell, PCD Milly
Nature Astronomy 4 (4), 390-398, 2020
The microstructural evolution of water ice in the solar system through sintering
JL Molaro, M Choukroun, CB Phillips, ES Phelps, R Hodyss, KL Mitchell, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124 (2), 243-277, 2019
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