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Müge K. Akın
Müge K. Akın
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
agu.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Empirical correlations of shear wave velocity (Vs) and penetration resistance (SPT-N) for different soils in an earthquake-prone area (Erbaa-Turkey)
MK Akin, SL Kramer, T Topal
Engineering geology 119 (1-2), 1-17, 2011
Assessment of rockfall hazard around Afyon Castle, Turkey
T Topal, M Akin, UA Ozden
Environmental Geology 53, 191-200, 2007
Seismic hazard map of Turkey using the deterministic approach
K Kayabali, M Akin
Engineering Geology 69 (1-2), 127-137, 2003
Rockfall hazard analysis for an historical Castle in Kastamonu (Turkey)
T Topal, MK Akin, M Akin
Natural hazards 62, 255-274, 2012
Assessment of the effectiveness of a rockfall ditch through 3-D probabilistic rockfall simulations and automated image processing
M Akin, I Dinçer, AÖ Ok, A Orhan, MK Akin, T Topal
Engineering Geology 283, 106001, 2021
Geotechnical assessment of a landslide along a natural gas pipeline for possible remediations (Karacabey-Turkey)
T Topal, M Akin
Environmental Geology 57, 611-620, 2009
Experimental studies on the physico-mechanical properties of jet-grout columns in sandy and silty soils
MK Akin
Journal of African Earth Sciences 116, 190-197, 2016
A Comparative Study on the VS30 and N30 Based Seismic Site Classification in Kahramanmaras, Turkey
DM Naji, MK Akin, AF Cabalar
Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (1), 8862827, 2020
Comparison of SPT and V s-based liquefaction analyses: a case study in Erciş (Van, Turkey)
İ Akkaya, A Özvan, M Akin, MK Akin, U Övün
Acta Geophysica 66, 21-38, 2018
Evaluation of liquefaction in Karasu River floodplain after the October 23, 2011, Van (Turkey) earthquake
M Akin, A Ozvan, MK Akin, T Topal
Natural hazards 69, 1551-1575, 2013
Rockfall hazard assessment around Ankara Citadel (Turkey) using rockfall analyses and hazard rating system
NE San, T Topal, MK Akin
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 38, 3831-3851, 2020
A newly developed seismic microzonation model of Erbaa (Tokat, Turkey) located on seismically active eastern segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ)
MK Akin, T Topal, SL Kramer
Natural Hazards 65, 1411-1442, 2013
Dynamic soil characterization and site response estimation for Erbaa, Tokat (Turkey)
MK Akin, SL Kramer, T Topal
Natural Hazards 82, 1833-1868, 2016
Impact of jet-grouting pressure on the strength and deformation characteristics of sandy and clayey soils in the compression zone
M Akin, İ Akkaya, MK Akin, A Özvan, Y Ak
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 23, 3340-3352, 2019
Emergency response, and community impact after February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık and Elbistan Earthquakes: reconnaissance findings and observations on affected region in …
M Şenol Balaban, C Doğulu, N Akdede, H Akoğlu, O Karakayalı, S Yılmaz, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-29, 2024
Analysis and evaluation of rockfall hazard around Afyon Castle, Turkey
T Topal, M Akin, AU Ozden
Proceedings of the 10th international congress IAEG, 2006
Kayma Dalgası Hızı (Vs) kullanılarak Erciş (Van) yerleşim alanının sıvılaşma potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesi
İ Akkaya, A Özvan, U Övün, M Akın, M Akın
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 32 (3), 56-68, 2017
Evaluation of seismic site classification for Kahramanmaras City, Turkey
AFC Dalia Munaff Naji, Muge K. Akin
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021
The effect of jet grouting on the cyclic stress ratio (CSR) for the mitigation of liquefaction
M Akın, M Akın, A Çiftçi, BB Bayram
Ejoir 1 (1), 10-20, 2015
Mikrobölgeleme çalışmasına altlık oluşturmak üzere Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi kampüs zemininin dinamik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
M Akın, M Akın, İ Akkaya, A Özvan, S Üner, L Selçuk, M Tapan
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 39 (1), 1-26, 2015
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