Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions A Llorens, A Tzovara, L Bellier, I Bhaya-Grossman, A Bidet-Caulet, ... Neuron 109 (13), 2047-2074, 2021 | 288 | 2021 |
Diffusion-tensor imaging of major white matter tracts and their role in language processing in aphasia MV Ivanova, DY Isaev, OV Dragoy, YS Akinina, AG Petrushevskiy, ... Cortex 85, 165-181, 2016 | 227 | 2016 |
A tutorial on aphasia test development in any language: Key substantive and psychometric considerations MV Ivanova, B Hallowell Aphasiology 27 (8), 891-920, 2013 | 128 | 2013 |
Russian normative data for 375 action pictures and verbs Y Akinina, S Malyutina, M Ivanova, E Iskra, E Mannova, O Dragoy Behavior research methods 47, 691-707, 2015 | 116 | 2015 |
Functional contributions of the arcuate fasciculus to language processing MV Ivanova, A Zhong, A Turken, JV Baldo, NF Dronkers Frontiers in human neuroscience 15, 672665, 2021 | 90 | 2021 |
An empirical comparison of univariate versus multivariate methods for the analysis of brain–behavior mapping MV Ivanova, TJ Herron, NF Dronkers, JV Baldo Human Brain Mapping 42 (4), 1070-1101, 2021 | 70 | 2021 |
What do language disorders reveal about brain–language relationships? From classic models to network approaches NF Dronkers, MV Ivanova, JV Baldo Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 23 (9-10), 741-754, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Validity of an eye-tracking method to index working memory in people with and without aphasia MV Ivanova, B Hallowell Aphasiology 26 (3-4), 556-578, 2012 | 60 | 2012 |
A new modified listening span task to enhance validity of working memory assessment for people with and without aphasia MV Ivanova, B Hallowell Journal of Communication Disorders 52, 78-98, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Neural mechanisms of two different verbal working memory tasks: A VLSM study MV Ivanova, O Dragoy, SV Kuptsova, SY Akinina, AG Petrushevskii, ... Neuropsychologia 115, 25-41, 2018 | 48 | 2018 |
AutoRAT at your fingertips: Introducing the new Russian Aphasia Test on a tablet M Ivanova, O Dragoy, J Akinina, O Soloukhina, E Iskra, M Khudyakova, ... Frontiers in Psychology 116, 1, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
The contribution of working memory to language comprehension: Differential effect of aphasia type MV Ivanova, OV Dragoy, SV Kuptsova, AS Ulicheva, AK Laurinavichyute Aphasiology 29 (6), 645-664, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
Short form of the Bilingual Aphasia Test in Russian: Psychometric data of persons with aphasia MV Ivanova, B Hallowell Aphasiology 23 (5), 544-556, 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
Grey and white matter substrates of action naming Y Akinina, O Dragoy, MV Ivanova, EV Iskra, OA Soloukhina, ... Neuropsychologia 131, 249-265, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Sex-related differences in task switching: An fMRI study SV Kuptsova, MV Ivanova, AG Petrushevsky, ON Fedina, ... Human Physiology 41, 611-624, 2015 | 25 | 2015 |
Auditory comprehension deficits in post-stroke aphasia: Neurologic and demographic correlates of outcome and recovery SJ Lwi, TJ Herron, BC Curran, MV Ivanova, K Schendel, NF Dronkers, ... Frontiers in neurology 12, 680248, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
A comparison of two working memory tasks in aphasia MV Ivanova, SV Kuptsova, NF Dronkers Aphasiology 31 (3), 265-281, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
The unique role of the frontal aslant tract in speech and language processing AJ Zhong, JV Baldo, NF Dronkers, MV Ivanova NeuroImage: Clinical 34, 103020, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
Biblioteka stimulov “Suschestvitel’noe I object”: normirovanie psikholingvisticheskikh parametrov [Stimuli database “Noun and object”: norming of psycholinguistic variables] YS Akinina, EV Iskra, MV Ivanova, MA Grabovskaya, DY Isaev, I Korkina, ... Shestaya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po kognitivnoy nauke: Tezisy dokladov …, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
The Russian Aphasia Test: The first comprehensive, quantitative, standardized, and computerized aphasia language battery in Russian MV Ivanova, YS Akinina, OA Soloukhina, EV Iskra, OV Buivolova, ... PLoS One 16 (11), e0258946, 2021 | 20 | 2021 |