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Maria V. Ivanova
Maria V. Ivanova
berkeley.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions
A Llorens, A Tzovara, L Bellier, I Bhaya-Grossman, A Bidet-Caulet, ...
Neuron 109 (13), 2047-2074, 2021
Diffusion-tensor imaging of major white matter tracts and their role in language processing in aphasia
MV Ivanova, DY Isaev, OV Dragoy, YS Akinina, AG Petrushevskiy, ...
Cortex 85, 165-181, 2016
A tutorial on aphasia test development in any language: Key substantive and psychometric considerations
MV Ivanova, B Hallowell
Aphasiology 27 (8), 891-920, 2013
Russian normative data for 375 action pictures and verbs
Y Akinina, S Malyutina, M Ivanova, E Iskra, E Mannova, O Dragoy
Behavior research methods 47, 691-707, 2015
Functional contributions of the arcuate fasciculus to language processing
MV Ivanova, A Zhong, A Turken, JV Baldo, NF Dronkers
Frontiers in human neuroscience 15, 672665, 2021
An empirical comparison of univariate versus multivariate methods for the analysis of brain–behavior mapping
MV Ivanova, TJ Herron, NF Dronkers, JV Baldo
Human Brain Mapping 42 (4), 1070-1101, 2021
What do language disorders reveal about brain–language relationships? From classic models to network approaches
NF Dronkers, MV Ivanova, JV Baldo
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 23 (9-10), 741-754, 2017
Validity of an eye-tracking method to index working memory in people with and without aphasia
MV Ivanova, B Hallowell
Aphasiology 26 (3-4), 556-578, 2012
A new modified listening span task to enhance validity of working memory assessment for people with and without aphasia
MV Ivanova, B Hallowell
Journal of Communication Disorders 52, 78-98, 2014
Neural mechanisms of two different verbal working memory tasks: A VLSM study
MV Ivanova, O Dragoy, SV Kuptsova, SY Akinina, AG Petrushevskii, ...
Neuropsychologia 115, 25-41, 2018
AutoRAT at your fingertips: Introducing the new Russian Aphasia Test on a tablet
M Ivanova, O Dragoy, J Akinina, O Soloukhina, E Iskra, M Khudyakova, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 116, 1, 2016
The contribution of working memory to language comprehension: Differential effect of aphasia type
MV Ivanova, OV Dragoy, SV Kuptsova, AS Ulicheva, AK Laurinavichyute
Aphasiology 29 (6), 645-664, 2015
Short form of the Bilingual Aphasia Test in Russian: Psychometric data of persons with aphasia
MV Ivanova, B Hallowell
Aphasiology 23 (5), 544-556, 2009
Grey and white matter substrates of action naming
Y Akinina, O Dragoy, MV Ivanova, EV Iskra, OA Soloukhina, ...
Neuropsychologia 131, 249-265, 2019
Sex-related differences in task switching: An fMRI study
SV Kuptsova, MV Ivanova, AG Petrushevsky, ON Fedina, ...
Human Physiology 41, 611-624, 2015
Auditory comprehension deficits in post-stroke aphasia: Neurologic and demographic correlates of outcome and recovery
SJ Lwi, TJ Herron, BC Curran, MV Ivanova, K Schendel, NF Dronkers, ...
Frontiers in neurology 12, 680248, 2021
A comparison of two working memory tasks in aphasia
MV Ivanova, SV Kuptsova, NF Dronkers
Aphasiology 31 (3), 265-281, 2017
The unique role of the frontal aslant tract in speech and language processing
AJ Zhong, JV Baldo, NF Dronkers, MV Ivanova
NeuroImage: Clinical 34, 103020, 2022
Biblioteka stimulov “Suschestvitel’noe I object”: normirovanie psikholingvisticheskikh parametrov [Stimuli database “Noun and object”: norming of psycholinguistic variables]
YS Akinina, EV Iskra, MV Ivanova, MA Grabovskaya, DY Isaev, I Korkina, ...
Shestaya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po kognitivnoy nauke: Tezisy dokladov …, 2014
The Russian Aphasia Test: The first comprehensive, quantitative, standardized, and computerized aphasia language battery in Russian
MV Ivanova, YS Akinina, OA Soloukhina, EV Iskra, OV Buivolova, ...
PLoS One 16 (11), e0258946, 2021
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