Viestinnän vallassa R Kunelius Johdatus joukkoviestinnän kysymyksiin 5 (6), 2003 | 801* | 2003 |
Transnational media events: The Mohammed cartoons and the imagined clash of civilizations E Eide, R Kunelius, A Phillips Nordicom, University of Gothenburg, 2008 | 220* | 2008 |
Global climate-local journalisms: A Transnational Study of how Media make Sense of Climate Summits E Eide, R Kunelius, V Kumpu Projektverlag, 2010 | 178* | 2010 |
Media vallan verkoissa R Kunelius, E Noppari, E Reunanen Tampereen yliopiston tiedotusopin laitoksen julkaisuja A 112, 476, 2009 | 164 | 2009 |
Mapping professional imagination: On the potential of professional culture in the newspapers of the future R Kunelius, L Ruusunoksa Journalism Studies 9 (5), 662-678, 2008 | 115 | 2008 |
Media in political power: A Parsonian view on the differentiated mediatization of Finnish decision makers R Kunelius, E Reunanen The International Journal of Press/Politics 17 (1), 56-75, 2012 | 112 | 2012 |
Reading the Mohammed Cartoons Controversy R Kunelius, E Eide, O Hahn, R Schroeder An International Analysis of Press discourses on Free speech and Political …, 2007 | 111* | 2007 |
Julkinen toiminta ja sen ongelmat J Dewey, R Kunelius, M Renvall Vastapaino, 2006 | 103 | 2006 |
The news, textually speaking: writings on news journalism and journalism research R Kunelius University of Tampere, 1996 | 98 | 1996 |
Journalists imagining the European public sphere: professional discourses about the EU news practices in ten countries H Heikkilä, R Kunelius Javnost-The Public 13 (4), 63-79, 2006 | 94 | 2006 |
Good journalism: On the evaluation criteria of some interested and experienced actors R Kunelius Journalism studies 7 (5), 671-690, 2006 | 93 | 2006 |
Journalismi nelijalkaisena otuksena Tutkimuksen näkökulmia, ongelmia ja haasteita R Kunelius Media & viestintä 23 (3), 2000 | 93 | 2000 |
Moment of hope, mode of realism: On the dynamics of a transnational journalistic field during UN climate change summits R Kunelius, E Eide University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication …, 2012 | 83 | 2012 |
Problems with a European public sphere: An introduction R Kunelius, C Sparks Javnost-The Public 8 (1), 5-20, 2001 | 79 | 2001 |
Mediatization in context: Consensus culture, media and decision making in the 21st century, the case of Finland E Reunanen, R Kunelius, E Noppari Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 35 (3), 287-307, 2010 | 76 | 2010 |
Changing power of journalism: The two phases of mediatization R Kunelius, E Reunanen Communication Theory 26 (4), 369-388, 2016 | 74 | 2016 |
Media meets climate: The global challenge for journalism E Eide, R Kunelius Nordicom, University of Gothenburg, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Voices of a generation the communicative power of youth activism E Eide, R Kunelius Climatic Change 169 (1), 6, 2021 | 72 | 2021 |
Conversation: a metaphor and a method for better journalism? R Kunelius Journalism Studies 2 (1), 31-54, 2001 | 67 | 2001 |
Media and global climate knowledge R Kunelius, E Eide, M Tegelberg, D Yagodin New York, 2017 | 62 | 2017 |