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Torben Elgaard Jensen
Torben Elgaard Jensen
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Bruno Latour: hybrid thoughts in a hybrid world
A Blok, TE Jensen
Routledge, 2011
The good, the bad and the perfect: Criticizing engagement practice
A Irwin, TE Jensen, KE Jones
Social Studies of Science 43 (1), 118-135, 2013
Introduction to The New Production of Users
S Hyysalo, T Elgaard Jensen, N Oudshoorn
The New Production of Users : Changing Innovation Collectives and …, 2016
The impact of regulatory approaches targeting collaborative economy in the tourism accommodation sector: Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris
D Dredge, S Gyimóthy, A Birkbak, TE Jensen, AK Madsen
European Commission, 2016
Bruno Latour: Hybride tanker i en hybrid verden
A Blok, TE Jensen
Hans Reitzel, 2009
Intervention by invitation: New concerns and new versions of the user in STS
TE Jensen
Science & Technology Studies 25 (1), 13-36, 2012
Aktør-netværksteori–en sociologi om kendsgerninger, karakker og kammuslinger
T Elgaard Jensen
New Social Science Monographs, Copenhagen, DK, 2003
Critical Proximity as a Methodological Move in Techno-Anthropology
MK Petersen, T Birkbak, Andreas, Elgaard Jensen
Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 2015
Design Methods in Practice: Beyond the'systematic'approach of Pahl & Beitz
TE Jensen, MM Andreasen
11th International Design Conference DESIGN 2010, 21-28, 2010
Identity in the age of the new economy: life in temporary and scattered work practices
TE Jensen, A Westenholz
Edward Elgar Pub, 2004
Aktør-netværksteori-Latours, Callons og Laws materielle semiotik
TE Jensen
Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2014
Revisiting the Histories of Mapping: Is there a Future for a Cartographic Ethnology?
AK Munk, TE Jensen
Ethnologia Europaea 44 (2), 31-47, 2014
Experimenting with Commodities and Gifts: The Case of an Office Hotel
TE Jensen
Organization 15 (2), 187-209, 2008
Participatory Data Design: Acting in a digital world
TE Jensen, A Birkbak, AK Madsen, AK Munk
Making and Doing: Activating STS through Knowledge Expression and Travel, 2021
Identifying notions of environment in obesity research using a mixed‐methods approach
T Elgaard Jensen, AK Kleberg Hansen, S Ulijaszek, AK Munk, ...
Obesity Reviews 20 (4), 621-630, 2019
Performing social work: Competence, orderings, spaces and objects
TE Jensen
Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, 2001
The high impact of low tech in social work
TE Jensen
Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 3 (1), 81-87, 2001
Book Review: The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice
TE Jensen, BR Winthereik
Acta Sociologica 48 (3), 266, 2005
3. The networking arena
TE Jensen
Identity in the age of the new economy: life in temporary and scattered work …, 2004
Doing Techno Anthropology: On sisters, customers and creative users in a medical device firm
T Elgaard Jensen
What is Techno-Anthropology?, 2013
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