Takip et
Peter Gomber
Peter Gomber
Professur für e-Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt
wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
On the fintech revolution: Interpreting the forces of innovation, disruption, and transformation in financial services
P Gomber, RJ Kauffman, C Parker, BW Weber
Journal of management information systems 35 (1), 220-265, 2018
Digital Finance and FinTech: current research and future research directions
P Gomber, JA Koch, M Siering
Journal of business economics 87, 537-580, 2017
M Nofer, P Gomber, O Hinz, D Schiereck
Business & information systems engineering 59, 183-187, 2017
High-Frequency-Trading: High-Frequency-Trading Technologies and Their Implications for Electronic Securities Trading (Catchword)
P Gomber, H Martin
Business & information systems engineering 5 (2), 97-99, 2013
Blockchain. business & information systems engineering, 59 (3), 183–187
M Nofer, P Gomber, O Hinz, D Schiereck
Integrated order matching system combining visible and hidden parameters
U Schweickert, M Budimir, P Gomber
US Patent 8,374,946, 2013
Integrated order pre-matching system
P Gomber, KO Maurer, M Zickwolff
US Patent App. 10/307,506, 2003
Zooming in on Liquidity
P Gomber, U Schweickert, E Theissen
Available at SSRN 559406, 2004
Competition between equity markets: A review of the consolidation versus fragmentation debate
P Gomber, S Sagade, E Theissen, MC Weber, C Westheide
Journal of economic surveys 31 (3), 792-814, 2017
Financial information systems and the fintech revolution
P Gomber, RJ Kauffman, C Parker, BW Weber
Journal of Management Information Systems 35 (1), 12-18, 2018
A taxonomy of financial market manipulations: establishing trust and market integrity in the financialized economy through automated fraud detection
M Siering, B Clapham, O Engel, P Gomber
Journal of Information Technology 32 (3), 251-269, 2017
Liquidity dynamics in an electronic open limit order book: An event study approach
P Gomber, U Schweickert, E Theissen
European Financial Management 21 (1), 52-78, 2015
Elektronische Handelssysteme: Innovative Konzepte und Technologien im Wertpapierhandel
P Gomber
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Elektronische Märkte für die dezentrale Transportplanung
P Gomber, C Schmidt, C Weinhardt
Wirtschaftsinformatik 39 (2), 137-145, 1997
Securities transaction tax and market quality–The case of France
P Gomber, M Haferkorn, K Zimmermann
European Financial Management 22 (2), 313-337, 2016
Catching up with technology—The impact of regulatory changes on ECNs/MTFs and the trading venue landscape in Europe
P Gomber, M Gsell
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 1 (4), 535-557, 2006
The market impact-liquidity measure in electronic securities trading
P Gomber, U Schweickert
Die Bank 7 (1), 485-489, 2002
Business & Information Systems Engineering 59
M Nofer, P Gomber, O Hinz, DB Schiereck
Der Market Impact: Liquiditätsmaß im elektronischen Wertpapierhandel
P Gomber, U Schweickert
Die Bank 7 (1), 485-489, 2002
MiFID-Spirit and Reality of a European Financial Markets Directive
P Gomber, A Pierron
Available at SSRN 1858605, 2010
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