Takip et
Iguer-Ouada Mokrane
Iguer-Ouada Mokrane
Laboratoire Associé en Ecosystèmes marins et Aquacoles, Université de Bejaia
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Computer assisted semen analyzers in andrology research and veterinary practice
J Verstegen, M Iguer-Ouada, K Onclin
Theriogenology 57 (1), 149-179, 2002
Molecular mechanism underlying anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic activities of phytochemicals: an update
Y Bellik, L Boukraâ, HA Alzahrani, BA Bakhotmah, F Abdellah, ...
Molecules 18 (1), 322-353, 2012
Evaluation of the “Hamilton Thorn computer-based automated system” for dog semen analysis
M Iguer-Ouada, JP Verstegen
Theriogenology 55 (3), 733-749, 2001
Long-term preservation of chilled canine semen: effect of commercial and laboratory prepared extenders
M Iguer-Ouada, JP Verstegen
Theriogenology 55 (2), 671-684, 2001
Long-term motility and fertility conservation of chilled canine semen using egg yolk added Tris–glucose extender: In vitro and in vivo studies
JP Verstegen, K Onclin, M Iguer-Ouada
Theriogenology 64 (3), 720-733, 2005
Fertility after vaginal or uterine deposition of dog semen frozen in a tris extender with or without Equex STM paste
A Rota, M Iguer-Ouada, J Verstegen, C Linde-Forsberg
Theriogenology 51 (6), 1045-1058, 1999
Effect of finasteride (Proscar MSD) on seminal composition, prostate function and fertility in male dogs.
M Iguer-Ouada, JP Verstegen
Journal of reproduction and fertility. Supplement 51, 139-149, 1997
Validation of the sperm quality analyzer (SQA) for dog sperm analysis
M Iguer-Ouada, JP Verstegen
Theriogenology 55 (5), 1143-1158, 2001
Influence of progesterone concentrations on secretory functions of trophoblast and pituitary during the first trimester of pregnancy in dairy cattle
A Ayad, NM Sousa, J Sulon, JL Hornick, J Watts, F Lopez-Gatius, ...
Theriogenology 67 (9), 1503-1511, 2007
Phytochemicals to prevent inflammation and allergy
Y Bellik, S M. Hammoudi, F Abdellah, M Iguer-Ouada, L Boukraâ
Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 6 (2), 147-158, 2012
Evaluation of the cytotoxic and cytostatic activities of alkaloid extracts from different parts of Peganum harmala L.(Zygophyllaceae)
L Bournine, S Bensalem, S Fatmi, F Bedjou, V Mathieu, M Iguer-Ouada, ...
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 9, 91-96, 2017
Characterization of chitosan/montmorillonite bionanocomposites by inverse gas chromatography
S Bensalem, B Hamdi, S Del Confetto, M Iguer-Ouada, A Chamayou, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 516, 336-344, 2017
Elevated non-esterified fatty acid and β-hydroxybutyrate in transition dairy cows and their association with reproductive performance and disorders: A meta-analysis
A Abdelli, D Raboisson, R Kaidi, B Ibrahim, A Kalem, M Iguer-Ouada
Theriogenology 93, 99-104, 2017
Antioxidant Activity of the Essential Oil and Oleoresin of Zingiber Officinale Roscoe as Affected by Chemical Environment
Y Bellik, F Benabdesselam, A Ayad, Z Dahmani, L Boukraa, A Nemmar, ...
International Journal of Food Properties 16 (6), 1304-1313, 2013
Male rat exposure to low dose of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate during pre-pubertal, pubertal and post-pubertal periods: Impact on sperm count, gonad histology and testosterone …
M Oudir, H Chader, B Bouzid, K Bendisari, B Latreche, S Boudalia, ...
Reproductive Toxicology 75, 33-39, 2018
Identification and Quantification of the Main Active Anticancer Alkaloids from the Root of Glaucium flavum
L Bournine, S Bensalem, JN Wauters, M Iguer-Ouada, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 14 (12), 23533-23544, 2013
Effect of cyclodextrins, cholesterol and vitamin E and their complexation on cryopreserved epididymal ram semen
K Benhenia, A Lamara, S Fatmi, M Iguer-Ouada
Small Ruminant Research 141, 29-35, 2016
Effect of the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis (L.) on rooster sperm motility during 4 C short-term storage
L Touazi, B Aberkane, Y Bellik, N Moula, M Iguer-Ouada
Veterinary world 11 (5), 590, 2018
Comparison of five radioimmunoassay systems for PAG measurement: ability to detect early pregnancy in cows
A Ayad, NM Sousa, J Sulon, M Iguer‐Ouada, JF Beckers
Reproduction in domestic animals 42 (4), 433-440, 2007
Presence of antimicrobial resistance in coliform bacteria from hatching broiler eggs with emphasis on ESBL/AmpC-producing bacteria
H Mezhoud, I Chantziaras, M Iguer-Ouada, N Moula, A Garmyn, A Martel, ...
Avian Pathology 45 (4), 493-500, 2016
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