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Raphael Bragança Alves Fernandes
Raphael Bragança Alves Fernandes
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Alıntı yapanlar
Protective shade, tree diversity and soil properties in coffee agroforestry systems in the Atlantic Rainforest biome
HN de Souza, RGM de Goede, L Brussaard, IM Cardoso, EMG Duarte, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 146 (1), 179-196, 2012
Agroforestry systems can mitigate the impacts of climate change on coffee production: a spatially explicit assessment in Brazil
LC Gomes, F Bianchi, IM Cardoso, RBA Fernandes, EI Fernandes Filho, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 294, 106858, 2020
Soil water retention, physiological characteristics, and growth of maize plants in response to biochar application to soil
MMC Tanure, LM da Costa, HA Huiz, RBA Fernandes, PR Cecon, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 192, 164-173, 2019
Intercropping of coffee with the palm tree, macauba, can mitigate climate change effects
SLS Moreira, CV Pires, GE Marcatti, RHS Santos, HMA Imbuzeiro, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 256, 379-390, 2018
Trees modify the dynamics of soil CO2 efflux in coffee agroforestry systems
L de Carvalho Gomes, IM Cardoso, E de Sá Mendonça, RBA Fernandes, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 224, 30-39, 2016
Quantificação de óxidos de ferro de Latossolos brasileiros por espectroscopia de refletância difusa
RBA Fernandes, V Barrón, J Torrent, MPF Fontes
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 28, 245-257, 2004
Agroecological coffee management increases arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi diversity
P Prates Júnior, BC Moreira, MCS da Silva, TGR Veloso, SL Stürmer, ...
PLoS One 14 (1), e0209093, 2019
Comparing two different spectroscopic techniques for the characterization of soil iron oxides: diffuse versus bi-directional reflectance
VM Sellitto, RBA Fernandes, V Barrón, CM Colombo
Geoderma 149 (1-2), 2-9, 2009
Zn (II) adsorption from synthetic solution and kaolin wastewater onto vermicompost
CP Jordao, RBA Fernandes, K de Lima Ribeiro, B de Souza Nascimento, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 162 (2-3), 804-811, 2009
Padronização de métodos para análise granulométrica no Brasil.
BG de Almeida, GK Donagemma, HA Ruiz, JA Braida, JHM Viana, ...
Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Solos, 2012., 2012
Análise granulométrica.
GK Donagemma, JHM Viana, BG de Almeida, HA Ruiz, VA Klein, ...
EDS/SEM study on microaggregates of Brazilian Latosols, in relation to P adsorption and clay fraction attributes
C Schaefer, RJ Gilkes, RBA Fernandes
Geoderma 123 (1-2), 69-81, 2004
Microclimate and soil and water loss in shaded and unshaded agroforestry coffee systems
AF de Carvalho, EI Fernandes-Filho, M Daher, LC Gomes, IM Cardoso, ...
Agroforestry Systems 95, 119-134, 2021
Atributos físico-hídricos e carbono orgânico de um argissolo após 23 anos de diferentes manejos
C Hickmann, LM da Costa, CEGR Schaefer, RBA Fernandes, ...
Revista Caatinga 25 (1), 128-136, 2012
Soil, water, and nutrient losses from management alternatives for degraded pasture in Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest biome
PR da Rocha Junior, FV Andrade, E de Sá Mendonça, GK Donagemma, ...
Science of the Total Environment 583, 53-63, 2017
Active layer thermal regime at different vegetation covers at Lions Rump, King George Island, Maritime Antarctica
ICC Almeida, CEGR Schaefer, RBA Fernandes, TTC Pereira, ...
Geomorphology 225, 36-46, 2014
Desenvolvimento de mudas de cedro-rosa em solo contaminado com cobre: tolerância e potencial para fins de fitoestabilização do solo
SM Caires, MPF Fontes, RBA Fernandes, JCL Neves, RLF Fontes
Revista Árvore 35, 1181-1188, 2011
Sorption of cadmium in some soil amendments for in situ recovery of contaminated soils
MD Carrillo Zenteno, RCA De Freitas, RBA Fernandes, MPF Fontes, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 224, 1-9, 2013
Avaliação da concentração de metais pesados em áreas olerícolas no Estado de Minas Gerais
R Fernandes, WV Luz, MPF Fontes, LEF Fontes
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 11, 81-93, 2007
Disentangling the historic and future impacts of land use changes and climate variability on the hydrology of a mountain region in Brazil
LC Gomes, F Bianchi, IM Cardoso, RPO Schulte, RBA Fernandes, ...
Journal of Hydrology 594, 125650, 2021
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