Middle to late Paleozoic atmospheric CO2 levels from soil carbonate and organic matter CI Mora, SG Driese, LA Colarusso Science 271 (5252), 1105-1107, 1996 | 324 | 1996 |
The Buttermilk Creek complex and the origins of Clovis at the Debra L. Friedkin site, Texas MR Waters, SL Forman, TA Jennings, LC Nordt, SG Driese, JM Feinberg, ... science 331 (6024), 1599-1603, 2011 | 293 | 2011 |
Neoarchean paleoweathering of tonalite and metabasalt: Implications for reconstructions of 2.69 Ga early terrestrial ecosystems and paleoatmospheric chemistry SG Driese, MA Jirsa, M Ren, SL Brantley, ND Sheldon, D Parker, ... Precambrian Research 189 (1-2), 1-17, 2011 | 166 | 2011 |
Model for sandstone-carbonate “cyclothems” based on upper member of Morgan Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of northern Utah and Colorado SG Driese, RH Dott Jr AAPG bulletin 68 (5), 574-597, 1984 | 145 | 1984 |
Mass-balance reconstruction of a modern Vertisol: implications for interpreting the geochemistry and burial alteration of paleo-Vertisols SG Driese, CI Mora, CA Stiles, RM Joeckel, LC Nordt Geoderma 95 (3-4), 179-204, 2000 | 142 | 2000 |
Physico‐chemical environment of pedogenic carbonate formation in Devonian vertic palaeosols, central Appalachians, USA SG Driese, CI Mora Sedimentology 40 (2), 199-216, 1993 | 141 | 1993 |
Carbon dioxide in the Paleozoic atmosphere: evidence from carbon-isotope compositions of pedogenic carbonate CI Mora, SG Driese, PG Seager Geology 19 (10), 1017-1020, 1991 | 134 | 1991 |
Paleopedologic and paleohydrologic records of precipitation seasonality from Early Pennsylvanian" underclay" paleosols, USA SG Driese, EG Ober Journal of Sedimentary Research 75 (6), 997-1010, 2005 | 129 | 2005 |
Sedimentation and recent history of a freshwater wetland in a semi‐arid environment: Loboi Swamp, Kenya, East Africa GM Ashley, J Maitima Mworia, AM Muasya, RB Owen, SG Driese, ... Sedimentology 51 (6), 1301-1321, 2004 | 128 | 2004 |
Paleopedology and paleohydrology of a volcaniclastic paleosol interval: implications for early Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleoclimate record, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania GM Ashley, SG Driese Journal of Sedimentary Research 70 (5), 1065-1080, 2000 | 121 | 2000 |
Preservation of a paleo-Vertisol and an estimate of Late Mississippian paleoprecipitation MR Caudill, SG Driese, CI Mora Journal of Sedimentary Research 66 (1), 58-70, 1996 | 119 | 1996 |
Tidal deposition in the basal upper cambrian mt. simon formation in wisconsin SG Driese, CW Byers, RH Dott Journal of Sedimentary Research 51 (2), 367-381, 1981 | 111 | 1981 |
Pedogenic iron-manganese nodules in Vertisols: a new proxy for paleoprecipitation? CA Stiles, CI Mora, SG Driese Geology 29 (10), 943-946, 2001 | 109 | 2001 |
Very large plant and root traces from the Early to Middle Devonian: Implications for early terrestrial ecosystems and atmospheric p(CO2) JM Elick, SG Driese, CI Mora Geology 26 (2), 143-146, 1998 | 107 | 1998 |
Paleopedology and stable isotope chemistry of Late Silurian vertic paleosols, Bloomsburg Formation, central Pennsylvania SG Driese, CI Mora, E Cotter, JL Foreman Journal of Sedimentary Research 62 (5), 825-841, 1992 | 107 | 1992 |
Morphology and taphonomy of root and stump casts of the earliest trees (Middle to Late Devonian), Pennsylvania and New York, USA SG Driese, CI Mora, JM Elick Palaios, 524-537, 1997 | 105 | 1997 |
Pedogenic processes and domain boundaries in a Vertisol climosequence: evidence from titanium and zirconium distribution and morphology CA Stiles, CI Mora, SG Driese Geoderma 116 (3-4), 279-299, 2003 | 104 | 2003 |
Vertisol carbonate properties in relation to mean annual precipitation: implications for paleoprecipitation estimates L Nordt, M Orosz, S Driese, J Tubbs The Journal of Geology 114 (4), 501-510, 2006 | 100 | 2006 |
Distinguishing climate in the soil record using chemical trends in a Vertisol climosequence from the Texas Coast Prairie, and application to interpreting Paleozoic paleosols in … SG Driese, LC Nordt, WC Lynn, CA Stiles, CI Mora, LP Wilding Journal of Sedimentary Research 75 (3), 339-349, 2005 | 96 | 2005 |
Paleopedology and paleoclimatic implications of Late Ordovician vertic paleosols, Juniata Formation, southern Appalachians SG Driese, JL Foreman Journal of Sedimentary Research 62 (1), 71-83, 1992 | 93 | 1992 |