Core outcome measures for chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations RH Dworkin, DC Turk, JT Farrar, JA Haythornthwaite, MP Jensen, ... pain 113 (1-2), 9-19, 2005 | 4300 | 2005 |
Developing patient-reported outcome measures for pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations DC Turk, RH Dworkin, LB Burke, R Gershon, M Rothman, J Scott, ... Pain 125 (3), 208-215, 2006 | 329 | 2006 |
Analyzing multiple endpoints in clinical trials of pain treatments: IMMPACT recommendations DC Turk, RH Dworkin, MP McDermott, N Bellamy, LB Burke, JM Chandler, ... Pain 139 (3), 485-493, 2008 | 244 | 2008 |
Keeping an Eye S Martin, BLA Judd, BE Jackson, WC Fonteno American Nurseryman, 23, 2014 | | 2014 |
Jarasch, E.-D. 67, 575 Jat, P. 215 Johnston, D. 826 Jolliffe, LK 753 LG Josefsson, BH Judd, A Jung, R Kahn, RS Kaufman, TW Keenen, ... | | |