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Tamer Y. Duman
Tamer Y. Duman
Fugro Sial
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Active fault database of Turkey
Ö Emre, TY Duman, S Özalp, F Şaroğlu, Ş Olgun, H Elmacı, T Çan
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16 (8), 3229-3275, 2018
The East Anatolian Fault: geometry, segmentation and jog characteristics
TY Duman, Ö Emre
Landslide susceptibility mapping for a part of tectonic Kelkit Valley (Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey)
HA Nefeslioglu, TY Duman, S Durmaz
Geomorphology 94 (3-4), 401-418, 2008
Assessment of landslide susceptibility by decision trees in the metropolitan area of Istanbul, Turkey
HA Nefeslioglu, E Sezer, C Gokceoglu, AS Bozkir, TY Duman
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2010 (1), 901095, 2010
Susceptibility assessments of shallow earthflows triggered by heavy rainfall at three catchments by logistic regression analyses
T Can, HA Nefeslioglu, C Gokceoglu, H Sonmez, TY Duman
Geomorphology 72 (1-4), 250-271, 2005
The 17 March 2005 Kuzulu landslide (Sivas, Turkey) and landslide-susceptibility map of its near vicinity
C Gokceoglu, H Sonmez, HA Nefeslioglu, TY Duman, T Can
Engineering geology 81 (1), 65-83, 2005
Active fault map of Turkey with explanatory text
Ö Emre, TY Duman, S Özalp, H Elmacı, Ş Olgun, F Şaroğlu
General directorate of mineral research and exploration special publication …, 2013
Application of logistic regression for landslide susceptibility zoning of Cekmece Area, Istanbul, Turkey
TY Duman, T Can, C Gokceoglu, HA Nefeslioglu, H Sonmez
Environmental Geology 51, 241-256, 2006
Landslide inventory of northwestern Anatolia, Turkey
TY Duman, T Çan, Ö Emre, M Keçer, A Doğan, Ş Ateş, S Durmaz
Engineering geology 77 (1-2), 99-114, 2005
Açıklamalı Türkiye diri fay haritası ölçek 1: 1.250. 000
Ö Emre
Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, 2013
1: 250.000 ölçekli Türkiye diri fay haritası serisi
Ö Emre, TY Duman, Ş Olgun, H Elmacı, S Özalp
Antakya (NJ 37-13) Paftası Serisi 39, 2012
An improved earthquake catalogue (M ≥ 4.0) for Turkey and its near vicinity (1900–2012)
FT Kadirioğlu, RF Kartal, T Kılıç, D Kalafat, TY Duman, T Eroğlu Azak, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 3317-3338, 2018
Seismotectonic database of Turkey
TY Duman, T Çan, Ö Emre, FT Kadirioğlu, N Başarır Baştürk, T Kılıç, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 3277-3316, 2018
Geological and geomorphologic asymmetry across the rupture zones of the 1943 and 1944 earthquakes on the North Anatolian Fault: possible signals for preferred earthquake …
O Dor, C Yildirim, TK Rockwell, Y Ben-Zion, O Emre, M Sisk, TY Duman
Geophysical Journal International 173 (2), 483-504, 2008
The largest landslide dam in Turkey: Tortum landslide
TY Duman
Engineering Geology 104 (1-2), 66-79, 2009
Step-over and bend structures along the 1999 Duzce earthquake surface rupture, North Anatolian fault, Turkey
TY Duman, O Emre, A Dogan, S Ozalp
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (4), 1250-1262, 2005
1: 250.000 scale active fault map series of Turkey, Afyon (NJ 36-5) Quadrangle
Ö Emre, TY Duman, S Özalp, Ş Olgun, H Elmacı
General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration;(Serial number: 16 …, 2011
Evolution of seismic hazard maps in Turkey
S Akkar, T Azak, T Can, U Çeken, MB Demircioğlu Tümsa, TY Duman, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 3197-3228, 2018
An assessment on the use of Terra ASTER L3A data in landslide susceptibility mapping
HA Nefeslioglu, BT San, C Gokceoglu, TY Duman
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 14 (1 …, 2012
Surface Faulting Associated with the Sultandağı Earthquake (Mw 6.5) of 3 February 2002, Southwestern Turkey
O Emre, TY Duman, A Doğan, S Özalp, F Tokay, I Kuşçu
Seismological Research Letters 74 (4), 382-392, 2003
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