Takip et
Tom J. Brown
Tom J. Brown
Noble Foundation Chair in Marketing Strategy, Spears School of Business
okstate.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The company and the product: Corporate associations and consumer product responses
TJ Brown, PA Dacin
Journal of marketing 61 (1), 68-84, 1997
Research note: improving the measurement of service quality
TJ Brown, GA Churchill Jr, JP Peter
Journal of retailing 69 (1), 127, 1993
The customer orientation of service workers: Personality trait effects on self-and supervisor performance ratings
TJ Brown, JC Mowen, DT Donavan, JW Licata
Journal of marketing research 39 (1), 110-119, 2002
Spreading the word: Investigating antecedents of consumers’ positive word-of-mouth intentions and behaviors in a retailing context
TJ Brown, TE Barry, PA Dacin, RF Gunst
Journal of the academy of marketing science 33 (2), 123-138, 2005
Identity, intended image, construed image, and reputation: An interdisciplinary framework and suggested terminology
TJ Brown, PA Dacin, MG Pratt, DA Whetten
Journal of the academy of marketing science 34 (2), 99-106, 2006
Internal benefits of service-worker customer orientation: Job satisfaction, commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors
DT Donavan, TJ Brown, JC Mowen
Journal of marketing 68 (1), 128-146, 2004
Caution in the use of difference scores in consumer research
JP Peter, GA Churchill Jr, TJ Brown
Journal of consumer research 19 (4), 655-662, 1993
Social versus psychological brand community: The role of psychological sense of brand community
BD Carlson, TA Suter, TJ Brown
Journal of business research 61 (4), 284-291, 2008
How and when does customer orientation influence frontline employee job outcomes? A meta-analytic evaluation
AR Zablah, GR Franke, TJ Brown, DE Bartholomew
Journal of Marketing 76 (3), 21-40, 2012
Corporate associations in marketing: Antecedents and consequences
TJ Brown
Corporate reputation review 1 (3), 215-233, 1998
Re-examining salesperson goal orientations: personality influencers, customer orientation, and work satisfaction
EG Harris, JC Mowen, TJ Brown
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33 (1), 19-35, 2005
Corporate identity and corporate associations: A framework for future research
PA Dacin, TJ Brown
Corporate Reputation Review 5, 254-263, 2002
Thailand’s international travel image: Mostly favorable
BN Rittichainuwat, H Qu, TJ Brown
Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly 42 (2), 82-95, 2001
In search of brand equity: the conceptualization and measurement of the brand impression construct
GS Martin, TJ Brown
Marketing theory and applications 2 (4), 431-438, 1990
Employee customer orientation in context: How the environment moderates the influence of customer orientation on performance outcomes.
JW Grizzle, AR Zablah, TJ Brown, JC Mowen, JM Lee
Journal of applied psychology 94 (5), 1227, 2009
On the trait antecedents and outcomes of service worker job resourcefulness: A hierarchical model approach
JW Licata, JC Mowen, EG Harris, TJ Brown
Journal of the Academy of Marketing science 31 (3), 256-271, 2003
Corporate branding, identity, and customer response
PA Dacin, TJ Brown
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34 (2), 95-98, 2006
A cross-lagged test of the association between customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction in a relational context.
AR Zablah, BD Carlson, DT Donavan, JG Maxham III, TJ Brown
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (5), 743, 2016
The emergent field of organizational frontlines
J Singh, M Brady, T Arnold, T Brown
Journal of Service Research 20 (1), 3-11, 2017
Linking cause-related marketing to sales force responses and performance in a direct selling context
BV Larson, KE Flaherty, AR Zablah, TJ Brown, JL Wiener
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 36, 271-277, 2008
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