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Stephanie Jones
Stephanie Jones
gse.harvard.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Social and emotional learning in schools: From programs to strategies and commentaries
SM Jones, SM Bouffard
Social policy report 26 (4), 1-33, 2012
Disentangling the “whys” from the “whats” of aggressive behaviour
TD Little, CC Henrich, SM Jones, PH Hawley
International Journal of Behavioral Development 27 (2), 122-133, 2003
CSRP’s impact on low‐income preschoolers’ preacademic skills: self‐regulation as a mediating mechanism
CC Raver, SM Jones, C Li‐Grining, F Zhai, K Bub, E Pressler
Child development 82 (1), 362-378, 2011
Teaching through interactions: Testing a developmental framework of teacher effectiveness in over 4,000 classrooms
BK Hamre, RC Pianta, JT Downer, J DeCoster, AJ Mashburn, SM Jones, ...
The elementary school journal 113 (4), 461-487, 2013
The infant–toddler social and emotional assessment (ITSEA): Factor structure, reliability, and validity
AS Carter, MJ Briggs-Gowan, SM Jones, TD Little
Journal of abnormal child psychology 31, 495-514, 2003
Improving preschool classroom processes: Preliminary findings from a randomized trial implemented in Head Start settings
CC Raver, SM Jones, CP Li-Grining, M Metzger, KM Champion, L Sardin
Early childhood research quarterly 23 (1), 10-26, 2008
Educators' social and emotional skills vital to learning
SM Jones, SM Bouffard, R Weissbourd
Phi Delta Kappan 94 (8), 62-65, 2013
Two‐year impacts of a universal school‐based social‐emotional and literacy intervention: An experiment in translational developmental research
SM Jones, JL Brown, J Lawrence Aber
Child development 82 (2), 533-554, 2011
Advancing the science and practice of social and emotional learning: Looking back and moving forward
D Osher, Y Kidron, M Brackett, A Dymnicki, S Jones, RP Weissberg
Review of Research in Education 40 (1), 644-681, 2016
Social and emotional learning: Introducing the issue
SM Jones, EJ Doolittle
The future of children 27 (1), 3-11, 2017
The Evidence Base for How We Learn: Supporting Students' Social, Emotional, and Academic Development. Consensus Statements of Evidence from the Council of Distinguished Scientists.
SM Jones, J Kahn
Aspen Institute, 2017
Promoting social and emotional competencies in elementary school
SM Jones, SP Barnes, R Bailey, EJ Doolittle
The future of children, 49-72, 2017
Improving classroom quality: Teacher influences and experimental impacts of the 4rs program.
JL Brown, SM Jones, MD LaRusso, JL Aber
Journal of educational psychology 102 (1), 153, 2010
Targeting children's behavior problems in preschool classrooms: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
CC Raver, SM Jones, C Li-Grining, F Zhai, MW Metzger, B Solomon
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 77 (2), 302, 2009
Developmental trajectories toward violence in middle childhood: course, demographic differences, and response to school-based intervention.
JL Aber, JL Brown, SM Jones
Developmental psychology 39 (2), 324, 2003
Resolving conflict creatively: Evaluating the developmental effects of a school-based violence prevention program in neighborhood and classroom context
JL Aber, SM Jones, JL Brown, N Chaudry, F Samples
Development and psychopathology 10 (2), 187-213, 1998
Rethinking aggression: A typological examination of the functions of aggression
TD Little, J Brauner, SM Jones, MK Nock, PH Hawley
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 49 (3), 343-369, 2003
A vision for universal preschool education
E Zigler, WS Gilliam, SM Jones
Cambridge University Press, 2006
The role of classroom-level child behavior problems in predicting preschool teacher stress and classroom emotional climate
AH Friedman-Krauss, CC Raver, PA Morris, SM Jones
Early Education and Development 25 (4), 530-552, 2014
The impact of poverty on the mental health and development of very young children.
JL Aber, S Jones, J Cohen
The Guilford Press, 2000
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