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Anastasios Anastasiadis
Anastasios Anastasiadis
Professor of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University Thessaloniki
civil.auth.gr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Dynamic properties of dry sand/rubber (SRM) and gravel/rubber (GRM) mixtures in a wide range of shearing strain amplitudes
K Senetakis, A Anastasiadis, K Pitilakis
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 33 (1), 38-53, 2012
New code site classification, amplification factors and normalized response spectra based on a worldwide ground-motion database
K Pitilakis, E Riga, A Anastasiadis
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 11 (4), 925-966, 2013
Small-strain shear modulus and damping ratio of sand-rubber and gravel-rubber mixtures
A Anastasiadis, K Senetakis, K Pitilakis
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 30, 363-382, 2012
The small-strain shear modulus and damping ratio of quartz and volcanic sands
K Senetakis, A Anastasiadis, K Pitilakis
ASTM International 35 (6), 20120073, 2012
Thessaloniki’s detailed microzoning: subsurface structure as basis for site response analysis
A Anastasiadis, D Raptakis, K Pitilakis
Earthquake microzoning, 2597-2633, 2002
Normalized shear modulus reduction and damping ratio curves of quartz sand and rhyolitic crushed rock
K Senetakis, A Anastasiadis, K Pitilakis
Soils and Foundations 53 (6), 879-893, 2013
Dynamic behavior of sand/rubber mixtures. Part I: Effect of rubber content and duration of confinement on small-strain shear modulus and damping ratio
A Anastasiadis, K Senetakis, K Pitilakis, C Gargala, I Karakasi
Journal of ASTM international 9 (2), JAI103680, 2012
Design response spectra and soil classification for seismic code provisions
K Pitilakis, C Gazepis, A Anastasiadis
Proceedings of the 13th world conference on earthquake engineering …, 2004
Earthquake disaster scenario prediction and loss modelling for urban areas
R Spence, E So, G Ameri, A Akinci, M Cocco, G Cultrera, G Franceschina, ...
Lessloss report 7, 165, 2007
Design spectra and amplification factors for Eurocode 8
K Pitilakis, E Riga, A Anastasiadis
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 10, 1377-1400, 2012
Field and laboratory determination of dynamic properties of natural soil deposits
KD Pitilakis, A Anastasiadis, D Raptakis
Proceedings of the 10th world conference on earthquake engineering 5, 1275-1280, 1992
Towards the revision of EC8: proposal for an alternative site classification scheme and associated intensity dependent spectral amplification factors
K Pitilakis, E Riga, A Anastasiadis, S Fotopoulou, S Karafagka
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 126, 105137, 2019
Dynamic behavior of sand/rubber mixtures. Part II: Effect of rubber content on G/Go-c-DT curves and volumetric threshold strain
K Senetakis, A Anastasiadis, K Pitilakis, A Souli, T Edil, SW Dean
Journal of ASTM international 9 (2), 103711-1037112, 2012
Shear wave velocities and damping of Greek natural soils
DG Raptakis, SAJ Anastasiadis, KD Pitilakis, KS Lontzetidis
Proc. 10th European Conf. Earthquake Engg., Vienna 477482, 1995
Large‐scale field testing of geotechnical seismic isolation of structures using gravel‐rubber mixtures
D Pitilakis, A Anastasiadis, A Vratsikidis, A Kapouniaris, MR Massimino, ...
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 50 (10), 2712-2731, 2021
Effects of state of test sample, specimen geometry and sample preparation on dynamic properties of rubber–sand mixtures
K Senetakis, A Anastasiadis
Geosynthetics International 22 (4), 301-310, 2015
The dynamics of a pumice granular soil in dry state under isotropic resonant column testing
K Senetakis, A Anastasiadis, K Pitilakis, MR Coop
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 45, 70-79, 2013
Dynamic behaviour of granular soil materials mixed with granulated rubber: Effect of rubber content and granularity on the small-strain shear modulus and damping ratio
GA Pistolas, A Anastasiadis, K Pitilakis
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 36, 1267-1281, 2018
Field evidence of SSI from full-scale structure testing
D Pitilakis, E Rovithis, A Anastasiadis, A Vratsikidis, M Manakou
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 112, 89-106, 2018
Analytical estimation of economic loss for buildings in the area struck by the 1999 Athens earthquake and comparison with statistical repair costs
A Kappos, V Lekidis, G Panagopoulos, I Sous, N Theodulidis, ...
Earthquake Spectra 23 (2), 333-355, 2007
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