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Artur Krawczyk
Artur Krawczyk
AGH University of Krakow
agh.edu.pl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Application of satellite radar interferometry on the areas of underground exploitation of copper ore in LGOM–Poland
ZP Artur Krawczyk
11th International Congress of the International Society for Mine Surveying …, 2000
An evaluation of processing InSAR Sentinel-1A/B data for correlation of mining subsidence with mining induced tremors in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland)
A Krawczyk, R Grzybek
E3S web of conferences 26, 00003, 2018
Accuracy of Code GNSS Receivers under Various Conditions
W Magiera, I Vārna, I Mitrofanovs, G Silabrieds, A Krawczyk, B Skorupa, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (11), 2615, 2022
Application of Satellite Radar Interferometry to the examination of the areas of mining exploitation
E Popiolek, R Hejmanowski, A Krawczyk, Z Perski
Surface Mining Braunkohle and other Minerals 54, 74-82, 2002
Geodata in science-a review of selected scientific fields
M Apollo, M Jakubiak, S Nistor, P Lewińska, A Krawczyk, Ł Borowski, ...
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Formatio Circumiectus 22 (2), 2023
Proposal of Redefinition of the Terms Geomatics and Geoinformatics on the Basis of Terminological Postulates
A Krawczyk
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11 (11), 557, 2022
Application of ASAR interferometry for motorway deformation monitoring
A Krawczyk, Z Perski, R Hanssen
ESA ENVISAT Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland, 23-27, 2007
Mining Geomatics
A Krawczyk
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 12, 278, 2023
Altitude on cartographic materials and its correction according to new measurement techniques
K Maciuk, M Apollo, J Mostowska, T Lepeška, M Poklar, T Noszczyk, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (3), 444, 2021
A concept for the modernization of underground mining master maps based on the enrichment of data definitions and spatial database technology
A Krawczyk
E3S Web of Conferences 26, 00010, 2018
Metadata lifecycle management with GIS context
T Limbach, A Krawczyk, G Surowiec
10th EC GI & GIS Workshop, ESDI State of the Art, Warsaw, Poland, 2004
Methods of use two-dimensional CAD application environment of mining digital maps to generate three-dimensional modeling of the geological surface layer
D Biegun, A Krawczyk
Geoinformatica Polonica 2016 (2016)), 47-55, 2016
The extended structure of multi-resolution database
K Kozioł, M Lupa, A Krawczyk
International Conference: Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures …, 2014
The problem of object generalization and query optimization in spatial databases
A Piórkowski, A Krawczyk
Studia Informatica 32 (2B), 119-129, 2011
Satelitarna interferometria radarowa (InSAR) wysokiej rozdzielczości z wykorzystaniem danych TerraSAR-X
Z Perski, A Krawczyk, P Marinković
Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji 18, 499-507, 2008
Determinants of large-scale spatial data processing in Polish mining
P Kosydor, E Warchala, A Krawczyk, A Piórkowski
AIP Conference Proceedings 2209 (1), 040007, 2020
Mining activity and its remains - the possibilities of obtaining, analysing and disseminating of various data on the example of Miedzianka, Lower Silesia, Poland
R. Kawiecka, A. Krawczyk, P. Lewińska, K. Pargieła, S. Szombara, A. Tama, K ...
Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences 8 (2), 65-72, 2018
Możliwości wykorzystania satelitarnej interferometrii radarowej InSAR w monitorowaniu zagrożeń górniczych
E Popiołek, H Marcak, A Krawczyk
WUG: bezpieczeństwo pracy i ochrona środowiska w górnictwie, 16-18, 2006
A Unified Methodology for the Generalisation of the Geometry of Features
A Barańska, J Bac-Bronowicz, D Dejniak, S Lewiński, A Krawczyk, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (3), 107, 2021
Using mathematical morphology methods in the process of generalization in spatial databases
M Lupa, W Sarlej, A Piórkowski, A Krawczyk
Studia Informatica 34 (2B), 21-36, 2013
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