Acculturation, White marginalization, and family support as predictors of perceived distress in Mexican American female college students. LG Castillo, CW Conoley, DF Brossart
Journal of Counseling Psychology 51 (2), 151, 2004
332 2004 The relationship between visual analysis and five statistical analyses in a simple AB single-case research design DF Brossart, RI Parker, EA Olson, L Mahadevan
Behavior Modification 30 (5), 531-563, 2006
312 2006 The influence of multicultural training on perceived multicultural counseling competencies and implicit racial prejudice LG Castillo, DF Brossart, CJ Reyes, CW Conoley, MJ Phoummarath
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 35 (4), 243-255, 2007
267 2007 Interpreting Kendall’s Tau and Tau-U for single-case experimental designs DF Brossart, VC Laird, TW Armstrong
Cogent Psychology 5 (1), 1518687, 2018
256 2018 Evaluating single-case research data: A comparison of seven statistical methods RI Parker, DF Brossart
Behavior Therapy 34 (2), 189-211, 2003
225 2003 Effect sizes in single case research: How large is large? RI Parker, DF Brossart, KJ Vannest, JR Long, RG De-Alba, FG Baugh, ...
School Psychology Review 34 (1), 116-132, 2005
203 2005 Effectiveness of telephone counseling: A field-based investigation. RJ Reese, CW Conoley, DF Brossart
Journal of counseling Psychology 49 (2), 233, 2002
201 2002 Construction and validation of the Intragroup Marginalization Inventory. LG Castillo, CW Conoley, DF Brossart, AE Quiros
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 13 (3), 232, 2007
182 2007 Helpful impacts in group counseling: Development of a multidimensional rating system. DM Kivlighan Jr, KD Multon, DF Brossart
Journal of Counseling Psychology 43 (3), 347, 1996
151 1996 Five-factor model (Big Five) personality traits and universal-diverse orientation in counselor trainees RL Thompson, DF Brossart, AF Carlozzi, ML Miville
The Journal of psychology 136 (5), 561-572, 2002
146 2002 Incorporating nonoverlap indices with visual analysis for quantifying intervention effectiveness in single-case experimental designs DF Brossart, KJ Vannest, JL Davis, MA Patience
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 24 (3-4), 464-491, 2014
131 2014 The attractiveness of telephone counseling: An empirical investigation of client perceptions RJ Reese, CW Conoley, DF Brossart
Journal of Counseling & Development 84 (1), 54-60, 2006
124 2006 Problem-solving training via videoconferencing for family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries: A randomized controlled trial TR Elliott, D Brossart, JW Berry, PR Fine
Behaviour research and therapy 46 (11), 1220-1229, 2008
101 2008 Solution‐Focused Family Therapy With Three Aggressive and Oppositional‐Acting Children: An Empirical Study CW Conoley, JM Graham, T Neu, MC Craig, AMY O'pry, SA Cardin, ...
Family process 42 (3), 361-374, 2003
80 2003 Small N designs for rehabilitation research. SD Barnett, AW Heinemann, A Libin, AC Houts, J Gassaway, ...
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 49 (1), 2012
79 2012 Intergenerational transmission: Individuation and intimacy across three generations DM Lawson, DF Brossart
Family process 40 (4), 429-442, 2001
77 2001 Attachment, interpersonal problems, and treatment outcome in group therapy for intimate partner violence. DM Lawson, DF Brossart
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 10 (4), 288, 2009
73 2009 A time series model of the working alliance: A key process in short-term psychoanalytic counseling. DF Brossart, VL Willson, MJ Patton, DM Kivlighan Jr, KD Multon
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 35 (2), 197, 1998
71 1998 Methodological and statistical considerations for threats to internal validity in pediatric outcome data: Response shift in self-report outcomes DF Brossart, DL Clay, VL Willson
Journal of pediatric psychology 27 (1), 97-107, 2002
62 2002 Community capacity and teleconference counseling in rural Texas. CE McCord, TR Elliott, ML Wendel, DF Brossart, MA Cano, GE Gonzalez, ...
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 42 (6), 521, 2011
57 2011