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Konstantinos Petrogiannis
Konstantinos Petrogiannis
University of West Attica, Department of Early Childhood Education and Care
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Alıntı yapanlar
A review of research on the effects of early childhood Education and Care (ECEC) upon child development. CARE project; Curriculum Quality Analysis and Impact Review of European …
EC Melhuish, K Ereky-Stevens, K Petrogiannis, A Ariescu, E Penderi, ...
European Commission, 2015
Conceptions of the transition to adulthood in a sample of Greek higher education students
K Petrogiannis
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 11 (1), 121-137, 2011
Early childhood care & education: International perspectives
E Melhuish, K Petrogiannis
Routledge, 2006
Aspects of quality in Greek day care centres
K Petrogiannis, EC Melhuish
European Journal of Psychology of Education 11, 177-191, 1996
Greek Day Care Centres' Quality, Caregivers' Behaviour and Children's Development La Qualité des Crèches en Grèce, le Comportement des Institutrices, et le Développement des …
K Petrogiannis
International Journal of Early Years Education 10 (2), 137-148, 2002
The quality of parent-teacher relationship scale in the kindergarten: A Greek study
K Petrogiannis, E Penderi
International Research in Education, 2014
Early Childhood Care and Education in Greece: Some Facts on Research and Policy.
K Petrogiannis
International Journal of Early Childhood 42 (2), 2010
Parental ethnotheories and customs of childrearing in two Roma urban communities in Greece: Examining the developmental niche of the 6-year-old child.
E Penderi, K Petrogiannis
Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology 5 (1), 32, 2011
& Leseman, P.(2015)
E Melhuish, K Ereky-Stevens, K Petrogiannis, A Ariescu, E Penderi, ...
A review of research on the effects of Early Childhood Education and Care …, 0
Strategy inventory for language learning: Findings of a validation study in Greece
K Petrogiannis, Z Gavriilidou
Education applications and developments, 223-236, 2015
The relationship between perceived preparedness for computer use and other psychological constructs among kindergarten teachers with and without computer experience in Greece
K Petrogiannis
Journal of Information Technology Impact 10 (2), 99-110, 2010
Promotion of language learning strategies in the classroom: EFL teachers’ perceptions
A Psaltou-Joycey, E Agathopoulou, E Joycey, AM Sougari, V Kazamia, ...
The Language Learning Journal 46 (5), 557-568, 2018
Technical Report. Parent Structured Interview Study. Procedures, Instruments, Development, Samples and Showcases.
M Broekhuizen, K Ereky-Stevens, K Wolf, T Moser, P Leseman, Y Anders, ...
European Comission, 2018
Psychological development at 18 months of age as a function of child care experience in Greece.
KG Petrogiannis
University of Wales. Cardiff, 1994
Greek Roma mothers’ relationship with education: aspirations and expectations regarding the educational future of their children
I Strataki, K Petrogiannis
Contemporary Social Science 16 (4), 480-493, 2021
Risk and resilience factors of divorce and young children’s emotional well-being in Greece: a correlational study
C Karela, K Petrogiannis
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 8 (2), 2, 2018
Physical activity, motor competence, and perceived physical competence: What is their relationship in children aged 6–9 years?
AE Afthentopoulou, F Venetsanou, A Zounhia, K Petrogiannis
Human movement 19 (1), 51-56, 2018
Language learning strategy use of English FL learners in Greek schools: The role of school type and educational level
Z Gavriilidou, K Petrogiannis
International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning 5 (4), 67-81, 2016
Early childhood education and care in Greece: In search of an identity
K Petrogiannis
Nordisk barnehageforskning 6, 2013
Initial framework for evaluating and monitoring ECEC quality and wellbeing
T Moser, EC Melhuish, K Petrogiannis, G Pastori, P Slot, P Leseman
Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2014
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