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Danny Bernard Martin
Danny Bernard Martin
uic.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Mathematics success and failure among African-American youth: The roles of sociohistorical context, community forces, school influence, and individual agency
DB Martin
Routledge, 2000
“You would not believe what I have to go through to prove my intellectual value!” Stereotype management among academically successful Black mathematics and engineering students
EO McGee, DB Martin
American Educational Research Journal 48 (6), 1347-1389, 2011
Researching race in mathematics education
DB Martin
Teachers College Record 111 (2), 295-338, 2009
The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-Based Practices
J Aguirre, K Mayfield-Ingram, DB Martin
Mathematics learning and participation as racialized forms of experience: African American parents speak on the struggle for mathematics literacy
DB Martin
Urban Parents Perspectives Children'S Math. Mtl V8# 3, 197-229, 2018
Race, racial projects, and mathematics education
DB Martin
Journal for research in mathematics education 44 (1), 316-333, 2013
Hidden assumptions and unaddressed questions in mathematics for all rhetoric
DB Martin
The Mathematics Educator 13 (2), 2003
Mathematics as gatekeeper: Power and privilege in the production of knowledge
DB Martin, ML Gholson, J Leonard
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 3 (2), 12-24, 2010
Learning mathematics while Black.
DB Martin
Educational Foundations 26, 47-66, 2012
Equity, inclusion, and antiblackness in mathematics education
DB Martin
Race Ethnicity and Education 22 (4), 459-478, 2019
Beyond missionaries or cannibals: Who should teach mathematics to African American children?
DB Martin
The High School Journal 91 (1), 6-28, 2007
Positioning oneself in mathematics education research: JRME Equity Special Issue Editorial Panel
B D'Ambrosio, M Frankenstein, R Gutiérrez, S Kastberg, DB Martin, ...
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 44 (1), 11-22, 2013
Mathematics learning and participation in African American context: The co-construction of identity in two intersecting realms of experience
D Martin
Diversity, equity, and access to mathematical ideas, 146-158, 2007
Content learning and identity construction: A framework to strengthen African American students’ mathematics and science learning in urban elementary schools
M Varelas, DB Martin, JM Kane
Human Development 55 (5-6), 319-339, 2013
Mathematics teaching, learning, and liberation in the lives of Black children
DB Martin
Routledge, 2009
Racism, assessment, and instructional practices: Implications for mathematics teachers of African American students
J Davis, DB Martin
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 1 (1), 10-34, 2008
The brilliance of Black children in mathematics
J Leonard, DB Martin
IAP, 2013
The Collective Black and" Principles to Actions".
DB Martin
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 8 (1), 17-23, 2015
Smart girls, Black girls, mean girls, and bullies: At the intersection of identities and the mediating role of young girls' social network in mathematical communities of practice
M Gholson, DB Martin
Journal of Education 194 (1), 19-33, 2014
Refusing systemic violence against Black children: Toward a Black liberatory mathematics education
DB Martin, PG Price, R Moore
Critical race theory in mathematics education, 32-55, 2019
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