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Markku Puustinen
Markku Puustinen
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Influence of cultivation methods on suspended solids and phosphorus concentrations in surface runoff on clayey sloped fields in boreal climate
M Puustinen, J Koskiaho, K Peltonen
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 105 (4), 565-579, 2005
Retaining agricultural nutrients in constructed wetlands—experiences under boreal conditions
J Koskiaho, P Ekholm, M Räty, J Riihimäki, M Puustinen
Ecological Engineering 20 (1), 89-103, 2003
Emission of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and methane from constructed wetlands in Europe
AK S⊘ vik, J Augustin, K Heikkinen, JT Huttunen, JM Necki, ...
Journal of environmental quality 35 (6), 2360-2373, 2006
Influence of seasonal and annual hydrological variations on erosion and phosphorus transport from arable areas in Finland
M Puustinen, S Tattari, J Koskiaho, J Linjama
Soil and Tillage Research 93 (1), 44-55, 2007
Assessment of soluble phosphorus load in surface runoff by soil analyses
M Yli-Halla, H Hartikainen, P Ekholm, E Turtola, M Puustinen, K Kallio
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 56 (1), 53-62, 1995
Contribution of particulate phosphorus to runoff phosphorus bioavailability
R Uusitalo, E Turtola, M Puustinen, M Paasonen‐Kivekäs, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 32 (6), 2007-2016, 2003
Area of cultivated acid sulfate soils in Finland
M Yli‐Halla, M Puustinen, J Koskiaho
Soil Use and management 15 (1), 62-67, 1999
VIHMA—A tool for allocation of measures to control erosion and nutrient loading from Finnish agricultural catchments
M Puustinen, E Turtola, M Kukkonen, J Koskiaho, J Linjama, R Niinioja, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 138 (3-4), 306-317, 2010
Kuivatustila, viljelykäytäntö ja vesistökuormitukseen vaikuttavat ominaisuudet Suomen pelloilla
M Puustinen, E Merilä, J Palko, P Seuna
Vesi-ja ympäristöhallitus, 1994
Phosphorus removal in a wetland constructed on former arable land
A Liikanen, M Puustinen, J Koskiaho, T Väisänen, P Martikainen, ...
Journal of environmental quality 33 (3), 1124-1132, 2004
Maatalouden monivaikutteisten kosteikkojen suunnittelu ja mitoitus
M Puustinen, J Koskiaho, J Jormola, L Järvenpää, A Karhunen, ...
Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2007
Nutrient loads from agricultural and forested areas in Finland from 1981 up to 2010—can the efficiency of undertaken water protection measures seen?
S Tattari, J Koskiaho, M Kosunen, A Lepistö, J Linjama, M Puustinen
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-25, 2017
Influence of no-tillage on the distribution and lability of phosphorus in Finnish clay soils
P Muukkonen, H Hartikainen, K Lahti, A Särkelä, M Puustinen, L Alakukku
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 120 (2-4), 299-306, 2007
Modeling water balance and effects of different subsurface drainage methods on water outflow components in a clayey agricultural field in boreal conditions
M Turunen, L Warsta, M Paasonen-Kivekäs, J Nurminen, M Myllys, ...
Agricultural Water Management 121, 135-148, 2013
Reduced tillage: Influence on erosion and nutrient losses in a clayey field in southern
J Koskiaho, S Kivisaari, S Vermeulen, R Kauppila, K Kallio, M Puustinen
MTT Agrifood Research Finland, 2002
Maatalouden vesiensuojelukosteikot. VESIKOT-projektin loppuraportti
M Puustinen, J Koskiaho, V Gran, J Jormola, T Maijala, M Mikkola-Roos, ...
Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2001
Function and potential of constructed wetlands for the control of N and P transport from agriculture and peat production in boreal climate
J Koskiaho, M Puustinen
Journal of Environmental Science and Health 40 (6-7), 1265-1279, 2005
Effect of soil tillage on erosion and nutrient transport in plough layer runoff
M Puustinen
Vesistöjen ravinnekuormituksen lähteet ja vähentämismahdollisuudet
S Tattari, M Puustinen, J Koskiaho, E Röman, J Riihimäki
Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 35 (2015), 1796-1726, 2015
Agri‐environmental auctions for phosphorus load reduction: experiences from a F innish pilot
A Iho, J Lankoski, M Ollikainen, M Puustinen, J Lehtimäki
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 58 (2), 205-222, 2014
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