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Vincent Hakim
Vincent Hakim
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Exact solution of a 1D asymmetric exclusion model using a matrix formulation
B Derrida, MR Evans, V Hakim, V Pasquier
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 26 (7), 1493, 1993
Fast global oscillations in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons with low firing rates
N Brunel, V Hakim
Neural computation 11 (7), 1621-1671, 1999
Laws of crack motion and phase-field models of fracture
V Hakim, A Karma
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57 (2), 342-368, 2009
Quantum theory of a free particle interacting with a linearly dissipative environment
V Hakim, V Ambegaokar
Physical Review A 32 (1), 423, 1985
Design of genetic networks with specified functions by evolution in silico
P François, V Hakim
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (2), 580-585, 2004
From subthreshold to firing-rate resonance
MJE Richardson, N Brunel, V Hakim
Journal of neurophysiology 89 (5), 2538-2554, 2003
Optimal information storage and the distribution of synaptic weights: perceptron versus Purkinje cell
N Brunel, V Hakim, P Isope, JP Nadal, B Barbour
Neuron 43 (5), 745-757, 2004
Shape selection of Saffman-Taylor fingers
R Combescot, T Dombre, V Hakim, Y Pomeau, A Pumir
Dynamics of Curved Fronts, 193-196, 1988
Exact first-passage exponents of 1D domain growth: relation to a reaction-diffusion model
B Derrida, V Hakim, V Pasquier
Physical review letters 75 (4), 751, 1995
Collective cell motion in an epithelial sheet can be quantitatively described by a stochastic interacting particle model
N Sepúlveda, L Petitjean, O Cochet, E Grasland-Mongrain, P Silberzan, ...
PLoS computational biology 9 (3), e1002944, 2013
Nonlinear Schrödinger flow past an obstacle in one dimension
V Hakim
Physical Review E 55 (3), 2835, 1997
How connectivity, background activity, and synaptic properties shape the cross-correlation between spike trains
S Ostojic, N Brunel, V Hakim
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (33), 10234-10253, 2009
Diffusion and localization of a particle in a periodic potential coupled to a dissipative environment
F Guinea, V Hakim, A Muramatsu
Physical review letters 54 (4), 263, 1985
Collective cell migration: a physics perspective
V Hakim, P Silberzan
Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (7), 076601, 2017
Dynamics of the globally coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
V Hakim, WJ Rappel
Physical Review A 46 (12), R7347, 1992
High-frequency organization and synchrony of activity in the purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum
C De Solages, G Szapiro, N Brunel, V Hakim, P Isope, P Buisseret, ...
Neuron 58 (5), 775-788, 2008
Electrical coupling mediates tunable low-frequency oscillations and resonance in the cerebellar Golgi cell network
GP Dugué, N Brunel, V Hakim, E Schwartz, M Chat, M Lévesque, ...
Neuron 61 (1), 126-139, 2009
Bosonization of a two-level system with dissipation
F Guinea, V Hakim, A Muramatsu
Physical Review B 32 (7), 4410, 1985
What can we learn from synaptic weight distributions?
B Barbour, N Brunel, V Hakim, JP Nadal
TRENDS in Neurosciences 30 (12), 622-629, 2007
The Saffman–Taylor instability: From the linear to the circular geometry
H Thomé, M Rabaud, V Hakim, Y Couder
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 1 (2), 224-240, 1989
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