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Tamer Topal
Tamer Topal
metu.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Landslide susceptibility mapping: a comparison of logistic regression and neural networks methods in a medium scale study, Hendek region (Turkey)
E Yesilnacar, T Topal
Engineering Geology 79 (3-4), 251-266, 2005
GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping for a problematic segment of the natural gas pipeline, Hendek (Turkey)
E Cevik, T Topal
Environmental geology 44, 949-962, 2003
Engineering geological properties and durability assessment of the Cappadocian tuff
T Topal, V Doyuran
Engineering Geology 47 (1-2), 175-187, 1997
Empirical correlations of shear wave velocity (Vs) and penetration resistance (SPT-N) for different soils in an earthquake-prone area (Erbaa-Turkey)
MK Akin, SL Kramer, T Topal
Engineering geology 119 (1-2), 1-17, 2011
GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping using bivariate statistical analysis in Devrek (Zonguldak-Turkey)
C Yilmaz, T Topal, ML Süzen
Environmental earth sciences 65, 2161-2178, 2012
Deterioration mechanisms of tuffs in Midas monument
T Topal, B Sözmen
Engineering Geology 68 (3-4), 201-223, 2003
Analyses of deterioration of the Cappadocian tuff, Turkey
T Topal, V Doyuran
Environmental Geology 34, 5-20, 1998
Assessment of rockfall hazard around Afyon Castle, Turkey
T Topal, M Akin, UA Ozden
Environmental Geology 53, 191-200, 2007
Assessment of environmental and engineering geological problems for the possible re-use of an abandoned rock-hewn settlement in Urgüp (Cappadocia), Turkey
R Ulusay, C Gokceoglu, T Topal, H Sonmez, E Tuncay, ZA Erguler, ...
Environmental Geology 50, 473-494, 2006
Thermal and salt crystallization effects on marble deterioration: examples from Western Anatolia, Turkey
AB Yavuz, T Topal
Engineering geology 90 (1-2), 30-40, 2007
Lichenic growth as a factor in the physical deterioration or protection of Cappadocian monuments
M Garcia-Vallès, T Topal, M Vendrell-Saz
Environmental geology 43, 776-781, 2003
Quantification of weathering depths in slightly weathered tuffs
T Topal
Environmental Geology 42, 632-641, 2002
GIS-based detachment susceptibility analyses of a cut slope in limestone, Ankara—Turkey
B Oztekin, T Topal
Environmental geology 49, 124-132, 2005
Microzonation for earthquake hazards: Yenişehir settlement, Bursa, Turkey
T Topal, V Doyuran, N Karahanoğlu, V Toprak, ML Süzen, E Yeşilnacar
Engineering Geology 70 (1-2), 93-108, 2003
Rockfall hazard analysis for an historical Castle in Kastamonu (Turkey)
T Topal, MK Akin, M Akin
Natural hazards 62, 255-274, 2012
Evaluation of twin tunnel-induced surface ground deformation by empirical and numerical analyses (NATM part of Eurasia tunnel, Turkey)
E Ağbay, T Topal
Computers and Geotechnics 119, 103367, 2020
Formation and deterioration of fairy chimneys of the Kavak tuff in Urgup-Goreme area (Nevsehir-Turkey)
T Topal
Middle East Technical University, 1995
Assessment of rock slope stability for a segment of the Ankara–Pozantı motorway, Turkey
B Kentli, T Topal
Engineering Geology 74 (1-2), 73-90, 2004
23 Ekim 2011 Tabanlı-Van Depreminin Sismik Jeomorfolojisi ve Doğu Anadolu’daki Aktif Tektonik Yapılarla Olan İlişkisi
Ç Özkaymak, H Sözbilir, E Bozkurt, K Dirik, T Topal, H Alan, D Çağlan
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 35 (2), 175-200, 2011
Alkali reactivity of mortars containing chert and incorporating moderate-calcium fly ash
F Bektas, L Turanli, T Topal, MC Goncuoglu
Cement and Concrete Research 34 (12), 2209-2214, 2004
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