Decision rules and the search for a dominance structure: Towards a process model of decision making H Montgomery Advances in psychology 14, 343-369, 1983 | 678 | 1983 |
Empathy as an interpersonal phenomenon J Håkansson, H Montgomery Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 20 (3), 267-284, 2003 | 314 | 2003 |
From cognition to action: The search for dominance in decision making H Montgomery Process and structure in human decision making, 1989 | 305 | 1989 |
On decision rules and information processing strategies for choices among multiattribute alternatives H Montgomery, O Svenson Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 17 (1), 283-291, 1976 | 289 | 1976 |
Worse than chance? Performance and confidence among professionals and laypeople in the stock market G Torngren, H Montgomery The Journal of Behavioral Finance 5 (3), 148-153, 2004 | 173 | 2004 |
Kognitiv psykologi LG Lundh, H Montgomery, Y Waern Studentlitteratur, 1992 | 172 | 1992 |
A think aloud study of dominance structuring in decision process H Montgomery Processes and structure in human decision making, 1989 | 164 | 1989 |
On theoretical and realizable ideal conditions in psychophysics: Magnitude and category scales and their relation H Eisler, H Montgomery Perception & Psychophysics 16, 157-168, 1974 | 129 | 1974 |
Using information technology: engagement modes, flow experience, and personality orientations P Sharafi, L Hedman, H Montgomery Computers in Human Behavior 22 (5), 899-916, 2006 | 122 | 2006 |
A study of intransitive preferences using a think aloud procedure H Montgomery Decision Making and Change in Human Affairs: Proceedings of the Fifth …, 1977 | 122 | 1977 |
Process and structure in human decision making. HE Montgomery, OE Svenson John Wiley & Sons, 1989 | 116 | 1989 |
How professionals make decisions H Montgomery, R Lipshitz, B Brehmer CRC Press, 2004 | 114 | 2004 |
Belief-value structures as determinants of consumer behaviour: A study of housing preferences and choices E Lindberg, T Gärling, H Montgomery Journal of Consumer Policy 12 (2), 119-137, 1989 | 110 | 1989 |
Information search and evaluative processes in decision making: A computer based process tracing study U Dahlstrand, H Montgomery Acta Psychologica 56 (1-3), 113-123, 1984 | 107 | 1984 |
Direct estimation: effect of methodological factors on scale tupe H Montgomery Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 16 (1), 19-29, 1975 | 104 | 1975 |
Gambling decisions and information about expected value H Montgomery, T Adelbratt Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 29 (1), 39-57, 1982 | 97 | 1982 |
The search for a dominance structure in decision making: Examining the evidence H Montgomery Decision making in action: Models and methods, 182-187, 1993 | 96 | 1993 |
Response selection strategies and realism of confidence judgments CM Allwood, H Montgomery Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 39 (3), 365-383, 1987 | 87 | 1987 |
Attractiveness of decision rules T Adelbratt, H Montgomery Acta Psychologica 45 (1-3), 177-185, 1980 | 87 | 1980 |
Towards a perspective theory of decision making and judgment H Montgomery Acta Psychologica 87 (2-3), 155-178, 1994 | 80 | 1994 |